CSS - Animation


In this tutorial, I will be showing you all you need to know about using CSS animations in your website pages.


Animation is the process of gradually changing an element from one style to another.

How To Create CSS Animation

@keyframes - This is used to set the various stages at which styles gradually change from one to another.

  • First specify the name after the @keyframe. (For example: @keyframe example1)
  • Secondly specify write the CSS styles for each stage. Here it takes properties from 0% - 100% or from - to

Referencing the @keyframes' name to the animation-name and setting the other animation properties (animation-duration, animation-delay, etc).

Animation Properties

animation-name - used to point the @keyframes name that is defined for the animation that should be applied to the element.


The animation-duration is compulsory and must be set, else it will not start.


If the style for the element's animation is not set. The last style of the @keyframes declaration will be used as the default style of the element when the animation ends.

animation-duration - used to specify the amount of time (in seconds or milliseconds) the animation should use to complete its cycle.

animation-timing-function - used to specify how the intermediate values in-between the start and end of the animation defined in the @keyframes should be calculated. It specifies the speed curve of the animation.

  • ease - starts slowly, then fast and ends slowly.
  • ease-in - starts slowly and ends.
  • ease-out - starts and ends slowly.
  • ease-in-out - combines both ease-in and ease-out characteristics.
  • linear - starts and ends with the same speed.
  • cubic-bezier(n, n, n, n) - animation which allows you define your own values for the speed.

animation-delay - this is the amount of time (in seconds or milliseconds) it takes before the animation will start.

animation-iteration-count - this is the number of times the animation will repeat. It takes positive integers (1, 2, 3, ..) or keyword (infinite).

animation-direction - this is used to specify the direction of the animation.

  • normal - plays forwards.
  • reverse - plays backwards.
  • alternate - plays forwards first, then backwards.
  • alternate-reverse - plays backwards first, then forwards.

animation-fill-mode - this is used to define the style for the animation element when it is not playing.

  • none - no style before and after animation.
  • forwards - when animation ends, set the style to the last style in the @keyframes declaration.
  • backwards - when animation ends, set the style to the first style in the @keyframes declaration.
  • both - combine both forwards and backwards characteristics.

animation-play-state - this is used to specify whether animation should be played or paused.

animation-composition - this is used to specify the composite operation to be applied when many animations are having simultaneous effects on the same property.


Not all CSS properties can be animated.
Only CSS properties that has numbers, lengths, percentage and inches can be used for animation.
animation-duration is NOT optional, it must be specified.

animation - shorthand property that use to for setting all animation properties. The syntax is as follows: animation: animation-name animation-duration animation-timing-function animation-delay animation-iteration-count animation-direction animation-fill-mode animation-play-state