HTML - Basic Projects

HTML Basic Projects

Welcome to your first four (4) basic projects. In this section you are going to be using all what you have learnt so create the following simple basic projects.

  • Biography Page
  • Tribute Page
  • Quote Section
  • About Page

Biography Page

Instruction: Code a simple biography page of yourself or any person you know. The biography page must have the following:

  • Title, Headings, Paragraphs and Links where necessary.
  • Unordered or Ordered lists.
  • Citation element
  • Image
  • Basic Styling

Examples: Below are project examples you can look at to have an idea of what your own should look like.

Tribute Page

Instruction: Code a simple tribute page of any famous figure you know. The tribute page must have the following:

  • Title, Headings, Paragraphs and Links where necessary.
  • Unordered or Ordered lists.
  • Citation element
  • Images
  • Basic Styling

Examples: Below are project examples you can look at to have an idea of what your own should look like.

Quotation Section

Instruction: Code a simple quotation section using any quote you know. The quotation section must have the following:

  • Quotation element
  • Citation element
  • Image
  • Basic Styling

Examples: Below are project examples you can look at to have an idea of what your own should look like.

About Page

Instruction: Code a simple website about page. The about page must have the following:

  • Title, Headings, Paragraphs and Links where necessary.
  • Address element
  • Image
  • Basic Styling

Examples: Below are project examples you can look at to have an idea of what your own should look like.