Types of Computer

Types of Computer

Based on capability, computers are categorized into three (3) types: Analog, Digital and Hybrid Computers

Analog Computer

An analog computer can be defined as a computer that makes use of variables that are continuous in form of physical quantities (mass, length, time, weight, temperature, density, velocity etc) to give a solution. They are any device that can be used to process analog data.

    Examples of analog computers are:
  • (a) Slide Rules - Used for mathematical calculations
  • Slide-Rule
  • (b) Differential Analyzer - Used for differential equations
  • Differential-Analyzer
  • (c) Castle Clock - Mechanical Analog computer capable of saving programming instructions
  • Castle-Clock
  • (d) Turntable CD Player - Used for playing CDs
  • Turntable
  • (e) Speedometer - Used for calculating the speed of a moving vehicle
  • Speedometer
  • (f) Thermometer - Used detecting temperature (usually used in hospitals).
  • Thermometer

Digital Computer

Digital computer is any computer that has both electronic and digital components capable of processing data in binary form (1's and 0's) in a discrete manner. Digital computer performs logical operations and calculations at very high speed other than analog computers. It's four (4) basic elements are the input, main memory, control unit and the arithmetic logic unit.

    Examples of digital computers are:
  • (a) Personal Computers - These include your desktops, laptops, notebook etc
  • Personal-Computers
  • (b) Smart Phones - These are your portable hand-held or pocket devices that we use everyday for calls, text messages, browsing the internet etc.
  • Smart-Phones
  • (c) Calculators - Yes, you need not be surprised that calculator is among the digital computers, these days calculators now have more functionalities than before. They can be used to calculate complex mathematical questions such as Matrix, Polynomial equations and more
  • Calculators
  • (d) ATM - This is an Automated Teller Machine used by different banks for dispensing money to customers.
  • ATM-Machine

Hybrid Computers

Hybrid Computers are defined as those computers that has the components and functionalities of analog and digital computers combined. These computers are usually faster and it can process both continuous and discrete data.

    Examples of hybrid computers are:
  • (a) Fuel Vending Machine - The fuel vending machine calculates the amount of fuel using analog technology, and when displaying the price per litre, it does this using digital technology.
  • Fuel-Vending-Machine
  • (b) Electrocardiogram Machine - This a type of machine that is used to keep check of a human heart rate in hospitals. It uses sensors to get signals from the human body and displays the result digitally.
  • Electrocardiogram-Machine
  • (c) Ultrasound Machine - An ultrasound machine has a transducer probe that transmits the high-frequency sound that travels until it meets an obstacle, which it reflects back and when the reflected signal is picked up by the same transducer probe, it is sent for processing to generate the output (usually an image). This machine is usually used in hospitals.
  • Ultrasound-Machine
  • (d) Monitoring Machine - This machine is used to monitor patients' body temperature, heart rate, blood pressure etc in hospitals
  • Monitoring-Machine

Based on capability, computers are categorized into four (4) types: Mini-computer, Marco-computers, Mainframe-computers and Super-Computers


Mini computers are the smallest type of computers that are can be carried around easily, they include your laptops, smartphones, etc



Macro-computers are computers that cannot be easily carried around because of their size. Example of this type of computer is your PC (Personal Computer) Desktops.



These are large computer devices that can process large tones of data faster than both mini-computers and macro-computers. They are usually used in Big Organizations and sometimes in Schools for various purposes. Examples of these type of computers includes: IBM zSeries, System z9 and System z10 servers.



Super-computers are the fastest computers in the world today, as they are very big, very fast with large storage capacities and super processing speed and efficiency. Examples of super computers includes: Summit Supercomputer, Sierra Supercomputer, Sunway TaihuLight Supercomputer, Tianhe-2 Supercomputer, Frontera Supercomputer, Cray-1 etc.



From this tutorial, I believe you have been able to learn about the following:

  • Types of computer - Based on capacity
  • Analogue Computer - Slide Rules, Differential Analyzer, Castle Clock, Turntable CD Player, Speedometer and Thermometer
  • Digital Computer - Personal Computers, Smart Phones, Calculators and ATM.
  • Hybrid Computer - Fuel Vending Machine, Electrocardiogram Machine, Ultrasound Machine and Monitoring Machine
  • Types of computer - Based on capability
  • Mini-computers, Macro-computers, Mainframe-computers and Super-computers
  • In the next tutorial you will be learning the Characteristics of a Computer