Installing and Uninstall Programs

Installing and Uninstall Programs

  • There two ways to install a program or application into your system. First you buy the program Disc, insert it into your computer CD-ROM and run it. Then follow the steps to install the program.

    The second way is downloading the program or application from the internet. After downloading it, go to your downloads and click on the .exe and follow the prompts to install the program.


    Every program or application installation processes has its own different prompts and instructions to give when you want to install it. But most of them are similar to each other.

  • Step 1 - Download the .exe file of the program of application you want to install from your web browser.
  • Step 2 - Go to your downloads where the file will be located and Double Click on the .exe file
  • Step 3 - Follow the programs instructions from here and install your program or application.
  • Step 4 - DONE!

  • Step 1 - Go to your search box input in your status bar, at the left side of your windows desktop, after your windows home logo
  • Step 2 - Type Settings inside the search input box and click on the settings app (This will open your windows settings home page)
  • Step 3 - On your windows settings home page, click on Apps (This will open the Apps settings section)
  • Step 4 - In the first section page here Apps and Features you can search the app you want to install by typing the name on the search bar input. OR Scroll down to find the app.
  • Step 5 - Click directly on the app option and the Uninstall button will appear under it. Click on the Uninstall button.
    Another confirm dialog box will appear telling you that app and its related features will be uninstalled. In this dialog box proceed again to click on the Uninstall button below the prompt message of this dialog box.
  • Step 6 - Wait for the app to uninstall. After that you are DONE!

  • ALTERNATIVE (Step 1 and Step 2)
  • An alternative method for Step 1 and Step 2

  • ALTERNATIVE I - Click on your windows menu icon at the bottom left side of your desktop in the status bar. Go to Settings Icon
  • Click on it (This opens the windows settings home page). Then Click on the Apps settings option


In this tutorial I believe you have been able learn the various ways of installing programs or applications into your computer system. You have also learnt how to uninstall programs too. If you didn't fully understand this part, try and go over it again taking it step by step.

In the next tutorial, I will be showing you how to set your lock screen display image. in your computer system.