Windows 10 Settings (Search)

Windows 10 Settings (Search)

This settings section has to do with permissions and history. Here you will see settings related to how you can search through you windows PC.


(i) Permissions and History

In this settings page the first heading is (SafeSearch) under which you will find permission to restrict your web browse search. They include: Strict, Moderate and Off


The next heading here is the (Cloud Content Search) According to the brief detailed here, when searching for something either in the internet or locally, windows can also include the files from your One Drive, SharePoint, Outlook, Bing and other services when displaying the search results.

Under this heading you will find option to switch ON your Microsoft account and Work or School account. This allows search results to come from applications and services that you are signed into with your Microsoft account and work or school account.
Below this, there is a link Manage accounts used by other apps in this device - when you click on this link, it takes you to the email and account settings inside the Account setting section in the windows settings. (I believe you already have knowledge on how everything works on Account settings page, if you have forgotten you can go back to the Windows Settings (Accounts) settings tutorial here and glance through it again.)


The last heading here is the (History) Under this heading, you can turn ON the option of making your windows store your search history locally on your device.
Below this you can use the Clear device search history button to clear your search history by clicking on it.

Under the sub-heading: Search history in the cloud, you can explore how to view and delete your search history in the cloud by clicking on the link Privacy dashboard below it.
To also include or exclude your web searches from search suggestions you can click on the link Bing search history settings


(ii) Searching Windows

Indexing is one of the ways to arrange files for easy searching or browsing.
Here on this page under the heading Indexing Status you will see the total number of indexed items and pending items to be indexed.

Under the next heading Find My Files you can choose what locations you want your search to be focused on. There are two options there, which is the Classic and Enhanced. You can choose the classic option if you want your search from only libraries and desktop. After this option there is a link Customize search locations here - when you click on this link, it opens your default browser and takes you to the webpage where you can find information on how to customize search locations.
Then if you select the enhanced option, your search will be from the entire computer. Remember that both options have their advantages and disadvantages. While choosing the classic helps to reduce battery consumption, it also limits your search and what you are looking for might not be found. Also, while enhanced increases the search range, it also reduces the battery life of your computer system by increased in CPU consumption.


The next heading here is the Excluded folders. Under this heading you can click on the option to Add an excluded folder.
Excluded folders are folders that search will not look into when searching for anything. Note that after adding all excluded folders will be displayed below this option.


The last three headings are quite simple and easy to understand without much explanation.
Under the (Index Performance) you can switch ON the Respect Device Power Mode settings by clicking on the switch button below it.
Under the (More search indexer settings) you can click on the link Advance search indexer settings which opens a dialog settings page where you can go ahead with fine tuning your settings as you want.
Lastly, under the heading (Something not working?), you will find a link Run the indexer troubleshooter to resolve common search issues. - when you click on this link, a dialog page opens to start troubleshooting your system for search issues.



From this tutorial, I believe you have been able to learn about the following:

  • Search
  • Permissions and History [SaveSearch, Cloud content search and History (Privacy dashboard and Bing search history settings) ]
  • Searching Windows [Indexing status, Find my files, Excluded folders, Indexer Performance, More Indexer settings]
  • In the next tutorial I will be explaining another important settings area you need to know your way around, which is the Privacy section.