Commonly used PC Shortcuts

Commonly used PC Shortcuts

Shortcuts are commonly used in order to speed up the process of your workflow. Instead of going through the normal procedure you can use keyboard shortcuts to do certain things in your computer system.

  • F1 - Opens the Get Help application
  • F2 - Rename a selected file or folder
  • F3 - Go to search input or find bar (note that you have to be inside a folder or an application that allows this)
  • F5 - Refresh your PC or the current application (if the application supports it)
  • Windows key - Opens Start Menu
  • Windows Key + E - Opens File Explorer
  • Windows Key + I - Opens Settings App
  • Windows Key + D - Go to Desktop (Press this again, takes it back to where you where before)
  • Windows Key + L - Lock Screen
  • Windows Key + X - Opens the Power User Task Menu
  • Windows Key + Up Arrow Key - Maximize current window page
  • Windows Key + Down Arrow Key - Minimize current window page
  • Windows Key + Right Arrow Key - Aligns current window page to the right side of your desktop
  • Windows Key + Left Arrow Key - Aligns current window page to the left side of your desktop
  • Ctrl + A - Select All items
  • Ctrl + C - Copy Selected item(s)
  • Ctrl + V - Paste Copied item(s)
  • Ctrl + X - Cut Selected item(s)
  • Ctrl + Y - Redo last action
  • Ctrl + Z - Undo last action
  • Ctrl + Esc - Opens Start Menu
  • Ctrl + N - Creates New Tab for your current location (If you are in a folder, it creates replica of that same folder. If you are in a browser, it create New Tab for the browser)
  • Ctrl + Shift + N - Creates New Folder
  • Ctrl + Shift + Esc - Opens Windows Task Manager
  • Ctrl + Shift + Delete Key - This will permanently delete the selected item(s). Be careful any time you want to use this shortcut as permanently deleted items cannot be recovered.
  • Alt + F4 - Close active program or folder your are in.
  • Alt + Enter - Opens the Properties of the selected item
  • Alt + Tab - Switch between different opened programs or windows
  • Shift + Home - Highlight items from your current selected position to the beginning of the items
  • Shift + End - Highlight items from your current selected position to the ending of the items
  • Shift + Left Arrow Key - Start highlighting items from your current selected position to the left of the items
  • Shift + Right Arrow Key - Start highlighting items from your current selected position to the right of the items
  • Shift + Up Arrow Key - Start highlighting items from your current selected position to the up of the items
  • Shift + Down Arrow Key - Start highlighting items from your current selected position to the bottom of the items


There are other PC shortcuts which are not listed here, but these the shortcuts you will find yourself using mostly. Other shortcuts are also important to know, but they are usually used in rare cases.


In this tutorial I believe you have been able to get conversant with the frequently used shortcuts while using your computer system.

In the next tutorial I will be showing you step by step How to restore deleted files. from your computer system back to its original folder.