PowerPoint - Ribbons



Ribbons in PowerPoint are group of related user interface commands, sectioned into tabs which are used for editing, organization and formatting of presentations.

There are many ribbons in PowerPoint, but the ones that are usually seen when you open your PowerPoint applications are as follows.


The home tab is made up of seven (6) groups of related commands which are: Clipboard, Slides, Font, Paragraph, Drawing and Editing

  • CLIPBOARD - The clipboard contains the paste, cut, copy and format painter commands.
  • clipboard

    The description and what each command is used for is shown when you place your mouse pointer over the command or option. (i.e. when you hover over them)

  • SLIDES - This group contains commands or options which are used to create new slides, insert new layouts, reset and manage sections.
  • clipboard
  • FONT - This group contains related commands which you can use to style, format and change text font.
    In the first line of commands you have the font and font size selection box menu, Increasing and Decreasing of font size and Clearing formatting.
    In the second line you have commands for Bold, Italics, Underline, Text Shadow, Strikethrough, Character Spacing, Changing Text Case, Text Highlight and Font color.
  • font
  • PARAGRAPH - This group contains commands which used for formatting lists, text alignment, text direction, inserting smart graphics and also for adding and removing columns.
  • font
  • DRAWING - The drawing ribbon group contains options for inserting different shapes. It also contains commands which are used to arrange objects. Other options here are the quick styles, shape fill, shape outline and shape effects.
  • font
  • EDITTING - This group contains commands which are used to finding select text, replacing selected text and also command for selection.
  • font


The Insert tab is made up of ten (10) group of related commands. It is used to insert various elements such as Slides, Tables, Images, Illustrations, Comments, Videos and lots more.

  • SLIDES - This group contains an option which is used to insert new slides.
  • slides
  • TABLES - This group contains commands which you can used to insert table for your slide presentation.
  • tables
  • IMAGES - The images group contains options or commands that can be used to insert images, screenshots and photo albums.
  • images
  • ILLUSTRATIONS - This group has options and commands for inserting shapes, icons, 3D-Models, smartarts and charts
  • illustrations
  • ADD INS - The add-ins group contains commands that are used to insert additional program that is used to add special functionality or options that makes editing and formatting easy.
  • add-ins
  • LINKS - The links group contains three options for zooming, adding links and for selecting the kind of action a link performs which clicked or mouse overed.
  • links
  • COMMENTS - This group has only one command which is used to add comments to your document.
  • comments
  • TEXT - Text group contains commands or options for inserting text using the text box, inserting header & footer, wordart, date & time, object, slide numbers and objects.
  • text
  • SYMBOLS - In PowerPoint, the symbols group has one option inside the insert menu tab, which when clicked on, opens other options.
  • symbols
  • This group contains two commands for adding equations and symbols.
  • symbols
  • MEDIA - This group has options for inserting videos and audios. It also has option for screen recording.
  • text


The Draw tab here contains various options used for drawing and inserting other objects.

  • DRAWING TOOLS - This group contains eraser and other drawing tools with different point sizes which you can use to do free hand drawing.
  • drawing-tools
  • STENCILS - Stencils group has only one command or option which is used to insert the ruler.
  • stencils
  • CONVERT - This group contains two commands that is used to convert drawing to shape and handwritten mathematical expression to normal text.
  • convert
  • REPLAY - This group has only one command option which is used re-created what you previously deleted. It works like the undo command, only that it is more like a video graphics re-creation.
  • replay


The design ribbon in PowerPoint has to do with commands and options for inserting themes and changing variants, resizing slides and changing backgrounds.

  • THEMES - Themes group contains different types of themes which you can insert and used to start creating your presentation.
  • themes
  • VARIANTS - This group has different default variant to choose from. It also has options to change color, font, effects and background styles variations to create a nice theme for your presentation.
  • variants
  • CUSTOMIZE - In this group, you have two options for setting the slide size and changing the slide background.
  • customize


The Transitions ribbons contains group of related commands that are used for controlling how your slides comes in and goes out during presentation.

  • PREVIEW - Preview group has only one command which is used to preview the current slide that you are in.
  • preview
  • TRANSITION TO THIS SLIDE - This group contains transition effects that you can add to a particular slide that you are in.
  • transition-to-this-slide
  • TIMING - The Timing group is made up of different commands and options for setting duration of transition and sound effects.
  • timing


The Animations ribbons contains group of related commands that are used for controlling how the elements (Lists, Paragraphs, Objects etc.) of your slides comes in and goes out during presentation.

  • PREVIEW - Preview group has only one command which is used to preview the current slide element animations that you are in.
  • preview
  • ANIMATION - This group contains animation effects that you can add to a particular element(s) in any slide that you are in.
  • animation
  • ADVANCED ANIMATION - This group contains advanced animation effects and options that you can add to a particular element(s) in any slide that you are in.
  • advanced-animation
  • TIMING - The Timing group is made up of different commands and options for setting duration of animations and arrangement/organization of animating elements.
  • timing

Slide Show

This ribbon is made up of group of related command for starting up the slide show presentation of the entire document from beginning to ending.

  • START SLIDE SHOW - This group contains three options which are used to start slide show from the beginning, from current slide or from a specified slide using the custom slide show option.
  • start-slide-show
  • SET UP - The set-up group is made up of different commands and options for setting how the slide show should begin, recording slide show, adding other controls and lots more.
  • set-up
  • MONITORS - Monitors group has options for selecting which monitor PowerPoint should use when presenting. It also has option for enabling/disabling the presenter view option.
  • monitors


Record ribbon contains group of related commands from recording and saving your slide show.

  • RECORD - This group contains only one option or command which is used for recording.
  • record
  • CONTENT - Content group also has only one option which is used for screenshots
  • content
  • AUTO-PLAY MEDIA - This group has three commands which are used for screen recording, inserting videos and inserting audios.
  • auto-play-media
  • SAVE - This group is made up of two commands or options which are used to save presentation and export presentation as video in different formats.
  • save


This group contains related commands that are used to review your document before moving forward to either print it out and present it as a finished work.

  • PROOFING - In this proofing group there are two different commands which are used to for spellings and thesaurus
  • proofing

    Proofing is the process of reading each word and punctuation mark in a document slowly and carefully while looking out for errors.

  • ACCESSIBILITY - This group has only one command and other sub options which is used to check for issues in your document.
  • accessibility
  • INSIGHT - This group has one command or option (Search) which is use to search for definitions, images and other results from the internet.
  • insight
  • LANGUAGE - This group has only one command option which is used for translating your worksheet written in one language to another using Microsoft Service Translator online.
  • language
  • COMMENTS - In the comments group there are different commands for adding comments and other related comments operations.
  • comments
  • COMPARE - This group has commands which are used to compare two documents and make changes if necessary.
  • compare
  • INK - This group has only one command and other sub options which is used to hide and delete ink.
  • ink


In the view tab ribbon, there are various related commands for presentation views, zooming, windows arrangement, recording commands to macros for easy use etc.

  • PRESENTATION VIEWS - Presentation views group of commands contains commands which is used to change how the presentation is being viewed. It has the Normal, Outline View, Slide Sorter, Notes Page and Reading View.
  • presentation-views
  • MASTER VIEWS - This group contains other type of advanced views which are the Slide Master, Hangout Master and Notes Masters. They also have their individual ribbons with groups of related commands.
  • master-views
  • SHOW - This group has four options to enable/display by clicking on the checkbox or directly on it.
  • show
  • ZOOM - Zooming group has commands which are used to change your zoom options in a document.
  • zoom
  • COLOR/GRAYSCALE - This group contains three options that are useful in changing the background of your slide presentation document.
  • color-grayscale
  • WINDOWS - The windows group has commands for creating new windows, arranging windows, cascading, moving split and switching between windows.
  • windows
  • MACROS - The macros group has only one command and other sub options which is used to create macros in PowerPoint.
  • macros


This section contains different help related commands.

  • HELP - This group contains four commands which are Help, Contact Support, Feedback and Show Training which requires data connection for online access.
  • help

There are other menu tab ribbons that are not normally seen when you open your PowerPoint. These ribbons display when you want to use certain commands. One of them is the Equation menu tab which is seen below.


This tab contains group of related commands and options that is majorly used for mathematical equations.

  • TOOLS - The tools group contains two commands that is used of insert in-built equations, ink equations and other equations that you want to insert. There are also commands (Professional, linear) for converting to different equations.
  • tools
  • SYMBOLS - This group has different symbols which you can insert when writing equations.
  • symbols
  • STRUCTURES - Here we different mathematical equations which you can insert by clicking on the formula structure which displays various options for you to pick from and use.
  • structures