MS Word - How To Add and Remove Hyperlinks

How To Add and Remove Hyperlinks


Hyperlink is a text or image in a document that can connect the reader to another section in the document or another a webpage online when it is clicked.

In this tutorial I am going to be showing you how to add and remove hyperlinks in your document. People sometimes use hyperlinks in order to make it easy for people to navigate around document from the table content and other important pages in the document.

Hyperlinks are not just used to connect readers to another page in the document, they can also be used to take readers online to get more information. Follow the simple steps below to add hyperlinks or remove them.

  • Step 1 - Select the text (or image) that you want to add hyperlink to. Right click on it, then from the dropdown list click on the Link option.
  • add-hyperlinks
  • Step 2 - The Insert dialog box link will be displayed. Inside the dialog box, select where you want to link the text (or image) to.
    • 1. Existing file or webpage - When you select this option, you would have to click the location where the file is located or type in the address of the file.
    • add-hyperlink
    • 2. Places in This Document - Selecting this option, you would have to also click on the section where you want the link to lead to.
    • add-hyperlink
    • 3. Create New Document - When you select this option, you will need to create a new document send the link to.
    • add-hyperlink
    • 4. Email Address - When you select this option, you will add an email address.
    • add-hyperlink
  • You can also add ScreenTips text to the hyperlink. ScreenTip text is the text that is display at the top of the hyperlink when you mouse over it.
  • add-hyperlink
  • Step 3 - After you are done, click the Okay button. Notice the change in the font color and when you place the mouse pointer on top of the text, your screentip text is also shown.
  • add-hyperlink
  • Step 4 - Now to access this link, hold the Ctrl key and Click on the hyperlink. OR Right click on the hyperlink and from the dropdown list click the Open option.
  • Ms-word might display the Microsoft Word Security Notice dialog box, telling you that you should only open links for trusted location. This is very important, if you want to open any hyperlink from another document make sure it is trusted. Click on the Yes button to continue.
  • add-hyperlink
  • Step 5 - Ms-word will now take you to the location where the hyperlink is linked to.
  • add-hyperlink
  • If you want edit the address of the hyperlink you create you can follow the simple step below.
  • Step 1 - Right click on the hyperlink you want to remove, from the dropdown list click on the Remove Hyperlink
  • remove-hyperlinks
  • Step 2 - This Hyperlink dialog box will be displayed again for you to edit it.
  • remove-hyperlinks

    You can also remove the hyperlink from the hyperlink dialog box, by clicking on the Remove Link button.

  • Step 1 - Right click on the hyperlink you want to remove, from the dropdown list click on the Remove Hyperlink option.
  • remove-hyperlinks
  • Step 2 - Hyperlink successfully removed. Notice the color has changed and there is no screentip text when you move the mouse pointer over it.
  • remove-hyperlinks

Hyperlinks can automatically be created with text; all you need to do is type in the web address and at the enter hit the Enter key or Space bar key on your keyboard. Ms-word will automatically turn that web address to a hyperlink.