MS Word - Shortcuts

MS Word Shortcuts

Shortcuts in Ms-word makes work process easy and fast. In this tutorial I will be showing you the Ms-word shortcuts that you can use while editing and formatting your document.


Opens the help option pane


Check spellings for the selected text (Opens the proofing pane).

Ctrl + N

Create new blank document.

Ctrl + A

Select all the contents in the document.

Shift + (Left Arrow)

Selects texts to the left.

Shift + (Right Arrow)

Selects texts to the right.

Shift + (Up Arrow)

Selects texts to the upwards.

Shift + (Down Arrow)

Selects texts downwards.

Shift + Home

Selects text from the current position to the beginning of the line.

Shift + End

Selects text from the current position to the end of the line.

Ctrl + B

Make selected text to be bold.

Ctrl + C

Copy selected text.

Ctrl + X

Cut selected content.

Ctrl + V

Paste copied or cut content.

Shift + Insert

Paste copied or cut content.

Ctrl + I

Make selected text to be in italic.

Ctrl + U

Underline selected text.

Ctrl + O

Opens the open option page.

Ctrl + P

Opens the print window page.

Ctrl + F2

Opens the print window page.

Ctrl + Shift + F12

Opens the print window page.

Ctrl + F

Opens the navigation pane to find words or sentences.

Ctrl + K

Opens the insert hyperlink dialog box.

Ctrl + G

Opens the Go To tab, inside the Find and Replace dialog box.


Opens the Go To tab, inside the Find and Replace dialog box.

Ctrl + H

Opens Replace tab, inside the Find and Replace dialog box.

Ctrl + M

Add paragraph indentation.

Ctrl + Shift + M

Remove paragraph indentation.

Ctrl + D

Opens the Font options dialog box.

Ctrl + Spacebar

Resets the selected text to default font type.

Ctrl + T

Add hanging indentation.

Ctrl + Shift + T

Removes hanging indentation.

Ctrl + R

Aligns the selected text or paragraph to the right.

Ctrl + L

Aligns the selected text or paragraph to the left.

Ctrl + J

Justifies the selected text or paragraph.

Ctrl + E

Centers the selected text or paragraph.

Ctrl + =

Changes the selected text, letter or figure to subscript.

Ctrl + Shift + +

Changes the selected text, letter or figure to superscript.

Shift + F3

Change text case of the selected text.

Ctrl + Y

Redo last changes or action.


Redo last changes or action.

Ctrl + Z

Undo last changes or action.

Alt + Backspace

Undo last changes or action.


For save as.

Ctrl + S

To save the current document.

Shift + F12

To save the current document.

Ctrl + W

To close document window

Ctrl + 1

Add 1.0 line spacing to the selected text or paragraph.

Ctrl + 2

Add 2.0 line spacing to the selected text or paragraph.

Ctrl + 5

Add 1.5 line spacing to the selected text or paragraph.

Ctrl + ]

Increases the font size of the selected text by +1

Ctrl + Shift + >

Increases the font size of the selected text by +1

Ctrl + [

Decreases the font size of the selected text by +1

Ctrl + Shift + <

Decreases the font size of the selected text by +1

Shift + Enter

For inserting line break

Ctrl + Enter

For inserting page break

Ctrl + Shift + Enter

For inserting column break

Ctrl + Shift + *

For showing/hiding non-printing characters.

Ctrl + (Up Arrow)

Move text cursor to the beginning of the paragraph.

Ctrl + (Down Arrow)

Move text cursor to the ending of the paragraph.

Ctrl + (Left Arrow)

Move text cursor across on word to the left.

Ctrl + (Right Arrow)

Move text cursor across on word to the right.

Ctrl + Home

Move text cursor indicator to the beginning of the document.

Ctrl + End

Move text cursor indicator to the end of the document.

Ctrl + Delete

Deletes words to the right of the text cursor indicator.

Ctrl + Backspace

Deletes words to the left of the text cursor indicator.

Ctrl + F1

Hides/Displays the ribbon

Shift + F7

Opens the thesaurus pane.

Alt + Shift + D

Insert the current date.

Alt + Shift + T

Insert the current time.

Ctrl + Shift + (Left Arrow)

Selects a word to the left.

Ctrl + Shift + (Right Arrow)

Selects a word to the right.

Ctrl + Shift + (Up Arrow)

Selects text from its current position to the beginning of that paragraph.

Ctrl + Shift + (Down Arrow)

Selects text from its current position to the end of that paragraph.

Ctrl + Alt + 1

Changes the selected text to heading 1 style format.

Ctrl + Alt + 2

Changes the selected text to heading 2 style format.

Ctrl + Alt + 3

Changes the selected text to heading 3 style format.