MS Word - How To Count Words

How To Count Words

Counting words in your document manually takes a lot of time, especially when the document contains numerous pages. In some essay competition you might be required to write not less than 350 words essay about something, and it is important you follow the rules in order for some marks not to be deducted from your essay.

In this tutorial I will be showing different method on how to count or see the number of words in your document.

  • METHOD 1
  • This is easiest method of viewing the number of words in your entire document.
  • Step - Open the document, go to the Status bar at the bottom the Ms-word window page. The number of words is displayed there.
  • count-words
  • If for some reasons, the number of words is not displayed there, Right Click on the status bar (A list of options will display), then move to Word Count and click on it. Your word count will now be displayed in the status bar
  • count-words
  • For you to see the number of characters, lines, paragraphs and pages. Just click on the number of words displayed on the status bar and a dialog box will be displayed showing you the number of words, paragraphs, characters with no spaces, characters with spaces, paragraphs and lines.
  • count-words
  • METHOD 2
  • Step - Open the document, click on the Review tab, go to the proofing group and click on Word Count command. This will display the word count dialog box, inside which you can view the number of words in that document.
  • count-words

Apart from counting words in ms-word, you can also insert the word count of the entire document in any part of the document you want. Follow the simple steps below to do this.

  • Step 1 - Open the document, then go to where you want to insert the word count in your document and click on it.
  • insert-word-count
  • Step 2 - Click on the Insert tab, go the Text group and click on the Explore Quick Parts option (This will display a dropdown list). From the dropdown list, click on the Field option.
  • insert-word-count
  • Step 3 - After clicking on the field option, this will display the field dialog box. Inside the field dialog box, in the Field Names section scroll down to NumWords and click on it. (In the field properties you can change the format if you want, or just leave it as None). Then click the Okay button.
  • insert-word-count
  • Step 4 - Your word count will be displayed inside your document.
  • insert-word-count

    Any time you add or delete text inside this document, you would have to update the word count in your document. How can you do this? Just follow the simple step below.

  • Step - Right click on the word count, and click on the Update Field option. Your word count will be successfully updated.
  • update-word-count update-word-count

    To also edit the word count, you can follow similar process above.

  • Step 1 - Right click on the word count, and click on the Edit Field option.
  • edit-word-count
  • Step 2 - Field dialog box will be displayed for you to edit the field as you want.
  • edit-word-count

There are other online tools which you can use to count words in your ms-word document, these online tools include: WordCount, Word Counter, Charcounter, Keyword tool, Character Counter and Countingcharacter