MS Word - Text Decoration

Text Decoration

Text decoration has to do with styling a text. In this tutorial I will be showing you how to apply different text decorations in your text.

  • Step 1 - Select the portion of text that you want to make bold
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  • Step 2 - Click on the Bold B command in your Font group at your Home tab.
    OR press Ctrl + B on your keyboard. (Bold will be applied to your text)
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  • Step 1 - Select the portion of text that you want to make italic
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  • Step 2 - Click on the Italic I command in your Font group at your Home tab.
    OR press Ctrl + I on your keyboard. (Italic will be applied to your text)
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  • Step 1 - Select the portion of text that you want to underline
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  • Step 2 - Click on the Underline U command in your Font group at your Home tab.
    OR press Ctrl + U on your keyboard. (Your text will be underlined)
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    To change the underlining style, click on the dropdown arrow head button to display other options. Then click the one you want to use, and it will be applied to the selected text.


    To change the underlining color, click on the dropdown arrow head button to display other options. Then move you mouse over the option Underline Colors. From the color box displayed, click on the color you want to use and it will be applied to the selected text.

  • Step 1 - Select the portion of text that you want to strikethrough
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  • Step 2 - Click on the strikethrough ab command in your Font group at your Home tab. (Your selected text will be strikethrough)
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  • Step 1 - Select the text, letter or figure that you want to make subscript
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  • Step 2 - Click on the Subscript X2 command in your Font group at your Home tab.
    OR press Ctrl + = on your keyboard. (Subscript will be applied to your text)
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  • Step 1 - Select the text, letter or figure that you want to make superscript
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  • Step 2 - Click on the Superscript X2 command in your Font group at your Home tab.
    OR press Ctrl + Shift + + on your keyboard. (Superscript will be applied to your text)
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  • Step 1 - Select the text that you want to apply text effects to.
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  • Step 2 - Click on the Text Effect letter A command in your Font group at your Home tab. (This will display a dropdown box of text effects and text effect options to select from)
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    From the dropdown box displayed there are seven text effect options to use

  • Outline - For this option when you place your mouse pointer on it, it brings out list of colors to use for your text outline.
    You also have options for selecting the weight of the outline, and the type of of line (dashes) you want to use for the outline text.
    To use other colors for the outline, you can click on the More Outline Color option (This will display the colors dialog box containing the standard and custom color tabs)
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  • Shadow - For this option when you place your mouse pointer on it, it brings out options for shadow effects. Shadow effects here includes: No Shadow, Outer, Inner and Perspective.
    To customize your shadow option, click on the Shadow Options from the dropdown, and this will take you to the shadow option inside the Format Text Effects Pane, where you can set your shadow presets, color, transparency, size, blur, angle and distance.
  • Reflection - For this option when you place your mouse pointer on it, it also brings out options for reflection effects which includes two rows: No Reflection and Reflection Variations.
    To customize your reflection option, click on the Reflection Options from the dropdown, and this will take you to the reflection option inside the Format Text Effects Pane, where you can set your reflection presets, transparency, size, blur and distance.
  • Glow - For this option when you place your mouse pointer on it, it also brings out options for glow effects which includes two rows: No Glow, Glow Variations and More Glow Colors
    To customize your glow option, click on the Glow Options from the dropdown, and this will take you to the glow option inside the Format Text Effects Pane, where you can set your glow presets, color, size and transparency.
  • Number Styles - This option is used for style numbers only. When you place your mouse pointer on it, it brings out options for you to choose the number styles you want. Number styles here includes: Default, Proportional Lining, Tabular lining, Proportional Old Style and Tabular Old Style. Click your preferred style to apply it.
  • Ligatures - This option is used for style ligatures only. When you place your mouse pointer on it, it brings out options for you to choose the ligature style you want. Ligature styles here includes: None, Standard Only, Standard and Contextual, Historical and Discretionary and All Ligatures.
  • definition

    Ligature is the glyph that is formed from the joining together of two or more letters or graphemes.

  • Stylistic Sets - This is the last option in the text effects and typographical dropdown option which is used to select default options from the stylistic sets.
  • Step 1 - Select the text that you want to apply highlight.
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  • Step 2 - Click on the highlight command in your Font group at your Home tab to highlight the text.
    To change the color of the highlight, click on the dropdown arrow head and click on the color you want to use for the highlight.
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  • Step 1 - Select the text that you want change the font color.
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  • Step 2 - Click on the font color command in your Font group at your Home tab to change the font color of the selected text.
    To use another color for the font, click on the dropdown arrow and click on the color you want to use for the font.
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  • To look for more colors you can click on the More Colors options, and this will bring out the color dialog box for you to select the color you want.
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  • Ms-word also provides you with the gradient option. When you place your mouse pointer in the gradient option, it displays the Dark Variation, Light Variation and No Variation options.
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  • When you click on the More Gradients, it opens the Format Text Effects pane where you can set your Text Fill and Text Outline to either: No line, Solid line or Gradient line.
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    The gradient line option has numerous settings such as: Type, Direction, Angle, Position, Transparency, Brightness etc. You try these settings out on your own to your desired taste.