MS Word - How To Use Thesaurus

How To Use Thesaurus


Thesaurus is a software in Ms-word that is used to find synonyms and antonyms of a selected word.
Synonyms - words that have the same meaning.
Antonyms - words with opposite meaning.

Thesaurus is often useful when writing articles or final year project. The idea is that it actually allows you to replace certain words with the same meaning making your article unique and clear. It also helps you to look up words that are opposite in meaning.

To know how to use thesaurus just follow the simple steps below and in few minutes, you have finished learning it.

  • Step 1 - Open any document and select a word, or open a blank page and type the word that you want to use thesaurus for. (In my own case, I have an existing document, so I selected a word from there)
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  • Step 2 - Right click on the select word. A dropdown list will display. Move your mouse pointer to the option Synonyms and this will display another list, then click on the option Thesaurus
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  • Step 2 (Alternative) - Click the Review tab, in the proofing group click the Thesaurus command.
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  • Step 3 - A pane will open at the right side of the windows document. In the pane, the selected word will be in the first section inside the search input. Then the Synonyms will be the section of displayed list of words, and lastly the Antonyms will be the last list of words that has in parenthesis (Antonyms).
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  • Step 4 - To replace the selected word with the synonym or antonym, move you mouse pointer over the word in the list. A little triangle icon will appear at the right side of that word, click on the icon, option for insert and copy will display. Click the Insert option. After that, close the pane.
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    If you click directly on the synonym or antonym, it will change the search input field to that word and change the displayed list to the synonym and antonym of that word. So, you must click on the triangle icon at the right side that displays when you mouse pointer is on top the option.

  • Step 5 - The selected word will be successfully replaced with the synonym or antonym you inserted.
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After selecting the word that you want to use thesaurus for. Just press Shift + F7 on your keyboard and this will open the thesaurus pane at the right side of the windows document.