MS Word - How To Design Simple Complimentary Card

How To Design Simple Complimentary Card

In this tutorial I will be showing you how to design a simple complimentary card that you can use for both personal and professional use.

Complimentary card majorly contains the brand's name or company name, your full name, house address and contacts. You can also add the list services you render, but this is not very common. Instead, just add the what you do (E.g. Web Developer, Graphic Designer, Hair Stylist, etc)

  • Step 1 - Open a new document in Ms-word. Click the Insert tab, go to the illustrations group and click the Shapes button. From the dropdown list of shapes displayed, click the rectangle shape (Then draw out a rectangle)
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  • Step 2 - After drawing the rectangle, resize the rectangle to standard complimentary card size (3.5" * 2").
    Click the shape, click the Shape Format tab, the go to the Size group. Inside the size group change the Shape Height to 2" (i.e. 2inches) and the Shape Width to 3.5" (i.e. 3.5inches).
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    Zoom In your document area well to at least 196% or more, so that the shape becomes bigger and more visible.

  • Step 3 - Remove the shape outline. In the Shape Format tab go to the Illustrations group and click the Shapes button. This will display a dropdown list of option. Click the No Outline option.
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  • Step 4 - Click the Insert tab go to the Shape Styles and click the Shape Outline button. From the dropdown list of shapes displayed, click the Arrow: Pentagon shape
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  • Step 5 - Draw the shape (Arrow: Pentagon) on top the previous shape at the left side as shown in the image below.
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  • Step 6 - Remove the shape outline. Click the Shape Format tab, go to the Shape Styles and click on the Shape Outline button. From the dropdown list, click the No Outline option.
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  • Step 7 - Now, adjust the shape form using the small orange circle. Immediately you place the mouse pointer on the small orange circle it changes to a small white arrow head. Click and drag to the re-form the shape a little bit as shown below.
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  • Step 8 - Click the Insert tab, go to the illustrations group and click the Shapes button. From the dropdown list of shapes displayed, click the Isosceles Triangle shape.
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  • Step 9 - Now draw the Isosceles Triangle at the top right side as shown in the image below. Note that the color of the triangle is orange.
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  • Step 10 - To rotate the shape, click on the shape (Isosceles Triangle). Go to the Shape Format tab, inside the Arrange group click on the Rotate Objects option. From the dropdown list displayed click on the Fip Vertical option.
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  • Step 11 - Move the triangle closer to the Pentagon shape as shown in the image below.
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  • Step 12 - Adjust the triangle form by click and dragging the small orange circle at the edge of the triangle. By doing this the left edge side of the triangle will be perfectly aligned to the top right edge of the pentagon as shown in the image below.
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  • Step 13 - Now duplicate the shape (i.e. the triangle) and move it to the down part as shown in the image below. To duplicate a shape, click on it and press Ctrl + D on your keyboard. You can also use hold down Ctrl key and Click button, then drag out the duplicate from the shape.
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  • Step 14 - To rotate the duplicate shape, click on the shape. Go to the Shape Format tab, inside the Arrange group click on the Rotate Objects option. From the dropdown list displayed click on the Flip Vertical option.
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  • Step 15 - Move the shape close to the pentagon shape as shown in the image below.
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  • Step 16 - Now lets start adding texts to the complimentary card. To add text at specific area we are going to be using the Text Box.
    Click the Insert tab, go to the Text group and click on the Text Box option. From the dropdown options, click on the Draw Text Box.
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  • Step 17 - Draw the Text box at the top left side of the Pentagon shape and write the full name of the complimentary card owner (In my own case I will be using one of my friend's names, you can choose to use any name you like for this practice)
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  • Step 18 - Change the font size to 9, font to Red Hat Text Medium and Bold the text.
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    If you do not have the font Red Hat Text Medium, then you will have to install it. Just type: Download Red Hat Font in google search and you can see various sources that you can download it from.
    OR you can simply use another font for this practice.

  • Step 19 - Remove the text box fill color and outline, then change the text color to white as shown in the image below.
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  • Step 20 - Now let’s write the skill set of the card owner. Draw another text box and use it to write the skill set of the card owner (In my own case, I am also using my friend's skill set, which is Fashion Designer, you can use yours or anyone you want).
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  • Step 21 - Use the same font and but change the font size to 5 to make it a little bit smaller as shown in the image below.
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  • Step 22 - Remove the text box fill color and outline, then change the text color to white as shown in the image below.
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  • Step 23 - Select the text. Inside the Home tab, go to the Paragraph group and click on the dialog box launcher icon.
    This will display the Font dialog box. Inside the dialog box, click on the Advanced tab. In the advanced tab section, inside the Character Spacing section click on change the spacing to Expanded using the selection box beside it.
    change the spacing By to 1.5pt. At the preview section you will see how the text now looks like, then click on the OK button apply the changes.
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  • Step 24 - The spacing has now been applied to the text.
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  • Step 25 - Since the text is a little bit big, change the font size to 4.
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  • Step 26 - Draw a small rectangle below the second text as shown in the image below. This small rectangle will be used as the background for contact details labels.
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  • Step 27 - We will be using inserting a icon to describe each contact detail label. The first label is always the address or location of the complimentary card owner.
    Click the Insert tab, go to the Illustrations group and click on the Icons button. An online dialog box of icons will be displayed. Inside the icons tab, type in Location in the search input field. Select the icon that looks like a house (or you can select any other preferred choices of your.) Then click the Insert button.
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    Internet connection is required when you want to insert an Icon or 3D Objects.

  • Step 28 - Wait for the icon to download. This will take less than 2secs if you have strong network connection.
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  • Step 29 - After the icon has successfully download and its on the document, Right Click on the icon. From the list of options, move your mouse over the Wrap Text option which will display another list of options. Then click on the Square option.
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  • Step 30 - After Step-29, you can now resize the icon and move it inside the left side of the orange rectangle, as shown in the image below.
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  • Step 31 - Now add the text - Address using the Text Box.
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  • Step 32 - Format the text: Remove the outline and fill color from the text box. Change the color to black and font size 3.5, then make it Bold.
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  • Step 33 - Next we have to write the address of the complimentary card owner by the right side of the address label.
    Use the text box again and type the address. Remember to format the text as shown in the image below, removing the text box outline and fill color then change the text color to White
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    I am no longer specifying step by step on how to remove outline, fill color and change text color. This is because you have already seen steps before in the previous steps. But if you have forgotten it, you can easily go back to the step that contains detail on removing text box outline, and fill color.

  • Step 34 - Select the text, then inside the Home tab, go to the Paragraph group and click on the dialog box launcher icon.
    This will display the Font dialog box. Inside the dialog box, click on the Advanced tab. In the advanced tab section, inside the Character Spacing section click on change the spacing to Expanded using the selection box beside it.
    change the spacing By to 0.5pt. At the preview section you will see how the text now looks like, then click on the OK button apply the changes.
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  • Step 35 - The text spacing have been successfully applied.
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  • Step 36 - Now use similar Steps 26 - 35 to add the Email as shown in the image below.
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  • Step 37 - Now use similar Steps 26 - 35 to add the Phone as shown in the image below.
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  • Step 38 - Now use similar Steps 26 - 35 to add the Website as shown in the image below.
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  • Step 39 - Contact details is now successfully added. But if you take a good look, at the right side the color of the background - blue doesn't match the card or let change it to White
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  • Step 40 - Click on the rectangle background shape, go to the Format Shape tab. Inside the format shape tab, go the Shape Styles group, click the Shape Fill button which will display list of color options. Click the White Color
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  • Step 41 - Next we will add shape effects. In the Shape Format tab, go the Shape Styles group, click the Shape Effects button (This will display shape effects options). Move your over the Preset option. From the sub list of option, click on the Preset 6 to apply it as shown in the image below.
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  • Step 42 - Shape effects applied successfully.
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  • Step 43 - Now let create a simple logo the right side of the complimentary card. Just draw a pentagon shape as shown in the image below.
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  • Step 44 - Draw another pentagon shape and change the fill color to orange. Click the Shape Format tab, go to the Shape Styles group and click on the Shape Fill button which will display list of color options. Click the Orange Color
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  • Step 45 - Click the Shape Format tab, go to the Shape Styles group and click on the Shape Outline button which will display list of color options. Click the White Color
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  • Step 46 - Increase the outline weight size. Click the Shape Format tab, go to the Shape Styles group and click on the Shape Outline button which will display list of color options. Move your mouse on top the Weight option and from the sub options click the One and half point weight.
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  • Step 47 - Now the simple log should logo like something like this in the image below. Note that you can also be creative and use another shape to create your own simple logo.
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  • Step 48 - Now you can add the Brand name or Company Name at the bottom of the log using the Text Box.
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  • Step 49 - Next, add the tagline or slogan of the brand or company. Format the text and change the color, font size and spacing as shown in the image below.
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  • Step 50 - Congratulations your have successfully designed the first side of a simple complimentary card.
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  • Step 51 - Now let’s create the other side of the complimentary card which will contain just the logo and the company website.
    First let duplicate the rectangle shape with white background as shown in the image below. Press Ctrl + D to duplicate the white background and move it downwards.
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  • Step 52 - Duplicate the pentagon shape as shown in the image below and place it at the left side of the rectangle shape just exactly as the first one.
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  • Step 53 - Now using the same duplicate method, duplicate the two triangle and place it exactly just as the first one is, at the top and bottom evenly as shown in the image below.
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  • Step 54 - Now you have to place the logo, brand name and tagline or slogan at the left side of the second card. Duplicate the logo from the first card, but change the brand name text to White Color and the outline color of the second inner pentagon in the logo to Black
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  • Step 55 - Use the text box and add the URL of the company's website to the right side of the card as shown in the image below.
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  • Step 56 - Click Shape Format tab, go to the Arrange group and click on the Rotate Objects icon. From the dropdown list of options click on the Rotate Left 90 degrees to rotate the text.
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  • Step 57 - Move the URL to the edge of the card as shown in the image below.
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  • Step 58 - Now you have successfully designed the second side of the complimentary card.
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  • Step 59 - Now you will have group all the objects used in both cards so that you can be able to save the card itself as picture.
    Click the Home tab and go to the Editing group and click the Select option. From the options displayed, click the Selection Pane option. (This will open the selection pane at the right side of the document window)
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  • Step 60 - From the selection pane, select the all the objects by holding Ctrl key and clicking on them one after the another. Note the selection is for only the second card.
    After you have selected all the objects of the first card, Right Click on any of the editing point to display list of option. From the list of options, move your mouse pointer to Group option, the from the sub list of options, click the Group
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  • Step 61 - All the objects used in the second card is now successfull grouped. You can edit the group name by clicking and typing the new name (In my own case, I edited mine to SECOND)
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  • Step 62 - Next, let group the first card. From the selection pane, select the all the objects by holding Ctrl key and clicking on them one after the another. Note the selection is for only the first card.
    After you have selected all the objects of the first card, Right Click on any of the editing point to display list of option. From the list of options, move your mouse pointer to Group option, the from the sub list of options, click the Group
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  • Step 63 - All the objects used in the first card is now successfully grouped. You can edit the group name by clicking and typing the new name (In my own case, I edited mine to FIRST)
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  • Step 64 - Next thing to do is to save them as pictures. Select the group that you want to save as picture from the selection pane. Then Right Click on the card group editing points. From the list of options displayed, click the Save As Picture option as shown in the image below.
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  • Step 65 - Ms-word word will open the file explorer for you to browse the location you want to save the picture. After moving to the location, edit the name in the File Name input field and click the Save button and the card will be saved as picture successfully to that location.
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  • Step 66 - Do the same for the second card, select the group that you want to save as picture from the selection pane. Then Right Click on the card group editing points. From the list of options displayed, click the Save As Picture option as shown in the image below.
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  • Step 67 - Ms-word word will open the file explorer for you to browse the location you want to save the picture. After moving to the location, edit the name in the File Name input field and click the Save button and the card will be saved as picture successfully to that location.
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  • complimentary-card
  • complimentary-card