MS Word - How To Compare Documents

How To Compare Documents

In this tutorial I am going to be showing you how to compare two similar documents, to check for changes, mistakes or updates. Follow the simple steps below to learn this now!

  • Step 1 - Open the first document, i.e. the original document or the main document.
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  • Step 2 - Open the second document.
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  • Step 3 - Go to the original document. Click the Review tab, go to the Compare group. Click on the Compare, which will display a dropdown list. Click on any of the compare options.
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  • Step 4 - A dialog box will be displayed. Inside the dialog box, under the original document heading, click the small button beside the selection box that will open dropdown list for you select the original document. Also do the same under the revised document heading.
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  • Step 5 - Click the More button which will display the other options.
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  • Step 6 - Here you can set different comparison options. Click the Okay button.
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  • Step 7 - A windows with four sections will be displayed. The first section in this windows shows the Revision section where you will see the different changes that was updated grouped in different revisions.
    The second section shows the Compared Document, while the last two sections contains the Original and Revised Document
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    There might be situation, where ms-word might not display the four sections above instead displaying only the Compare Document. Step 8 below, shows you how to display the four sections

  • Step 8 - In the Review tab, go to the Compare group and click on the Compare option. This will display a dropdown list. Move the mouse pointer over the option Show Source Document and this will display another list option. Click on Show Both.
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  • Step 9 - You can also see the changes that was made. In the Review tab, in the Tracking group, click on the dropdown button Display for Review. This will display four options. Click the All Markup option, this will display the changes in red color.
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  • Step 10 - Alright, so that's how it is done!
  • compare-documents