MS Word - Insert Shapes and Smart Art

Insert Shapes and Smart Art

Shapes and smart art are important during illustration of some certain sections in document. Ms-word provides a lot shapes and smart art for you to choose from.

In this tutorial, I will be showing you how to insert shapes and smart art into your Ms-word document.

  • Step 1 - Click on the Insert tab, go the Illustrations group and click on the Shapes option. (This will display a dropdown box with list of different categorized shapes)
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  • Step 2 - From the options displayed, click on the shape that you want to insert (notice your mouse pointer will change to plus sign (+) after clicking on the shape)
  • Step 3 - Move your mouse pointer to the place in your document that you want to insert the shape, then hold the click button and draw the shape to your desired size and release the click button.
  • Step 4 - Your shape will be successfully inserted.
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    To insert a perfect shape with distorting its widths or height. hold down the Shift key on your keyboard, while drawing the shape.

  • Step 1 - Click on the shape you want to format.
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  • Step 2 - In the menu tab, click on the Shape Format tab, which will bring out different groups of related commands for you to use and format the shape.
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  • Step 2 (Alternate formatting) - Right click on the shape you want to format, from the dropdown list, move to Format Picture and click on it, (This will open the Format Shape pane from the right side of your windows document) then select the options you want to use and start formatting the shape.
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  • Step 1 - Place your text cursor indicator in the position in your document where you want to insert the smart art.
  • Step 2 - Click on the Insert tab, go the Illustrations group and click on the Smart Art option. (This will bring out the Smart Art Graphic dialog box)
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  • Step 3 - From the dialog box, in the first column click on the category of smart art you want to see.
    On the second column click on the smart art graphic you want to use. The third column shows the preview of the smart art graphic you are about to insert.
    Click the Okay button to insert the smart art.
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  • Step 4 - Your smart art graphic will be successfully inserted.
  • insert-smart-art
  • Step 1 - Click on the smart art you want to format.
  • Step 2 - In the menu tab, click on the Smart Art Design tab, which will bring out different groups of related commands for you to use and format the smart art.
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  • Step 2 (Alternate tab) - In the menu tab, click on the Format tab, which will bring out different groups of related commands for you to use and format the smart art.
  • formatting-smart-art
  • Step 2 (Alternate formatting) - Right click on the smart art you want to format, from the dropdown list, move to Format Shape and click on it, (This will open the Format Shape pane from the right side of your windows document) then select the options you want to use and start formatting.
  • formatting-smart-art