MS Word - Find and Replace

Find and Replace


This involves the process of looking for a word or sentence in your document.

  • Step 1 - Copy and Paste some text which you can used for this tutorial. Or open any Ms-word document in your computer that contains a lot of text.
  • Step 2 - On the Home tab, go to the Editing group and click on the Find command.
    OR press Ctrl + F
    This will open the navigation pane at the left side of your windows document.
  • find-and-replace
  • Step 3 - In the navigation pane, type in the word or sentence that you want to find inside the input field.
    The result will be displayed in the results tab showing you where it is located in your document.
  • find-and-replace
  • Step 4 - To move to where it is located, just click on the result and ms-word will scroll your document to where it is located.
  • find-and-replace

If there are more than one result, it will also display in the results tab, and you can click on any one you are searching for.
The Headings and Page tab options are used to view all the headings in your document and pages it has.


This involves the process removing a word or sentence in a document and placing another word or sentence in its position or location.

  • Step 1 - Copy and Paste some text which you can used for this tutorial. Or open any Ms-word document in your computer that contains a lot of text.
  • Step 2 - On the Home tab, go to the Editing group and click on the Replace command.
    OR press Ctrl + F
    This will open the Find and Replace dialog box.
  • find-and-replace
  • Step 3 - In the Find and Replace dialog box, type in the word or sentence that you want to find inside the find what input field, and type in the word or sentence that you want to replace what you have found with in the Replace input field
  • find-and-replace
  • Step 4 - You have three major buttons to focus on here that you can use.
    Replace - This will replace only the selected found word or sentence in the document
    Replace All - This will replace all the found word or sentence in the document.
    Find Next - This will take you to the next occurrence of the found word or sentence in the document.
  • find-and-replace
  • Step 5 - The word or sentence will be successfully replaced.
  • find-and-replace


To make your find and replace more specific and unique, you can click on the More button from the Find and Replace dialog box. This will bring out various options for you to work with and filter your findings very well in your document.