MS Word - Cover Page, Blank Page and Page Break

Cover Page, Blank Page and Page Break

In this tutorial, I will be showing you how to insert a cover page, blank page and page breaks in Ms-word. It is very simple and it won't take you more than 60secs to know it.

  • Cover page is usually the very first page of your document that contains the title and other brief information about that particular document.

  • Step 1 - Click on the Insert tab, go to the Pages group (which is the first group) and click on the Cover page option.
  • cover-page
  • Step 2 - From the dropdown list, move to on any of the built-in cover page you like and click on it. (This cover page will be inserted into your document successfully)
  • cover-page

    The dropdown list also has three other important options to use.

    More cover pages from - This option when clicked will take you to to download other cover pages that you may prefer. This will require internet connection.
    Remove current cover page - This option when clicked will remove the current cover page in your document.
    Save selection to cover page gallery - For this option to be active, you have to select your designed cover page. Then click on it to save it to cover page gallery.
  • Blank page is just a page with no text on it. To insert a blank page, follow the simple steps below.

  • Step - Click on the Insert tab, go to the Pages group (which is the first group) and click on the Blank Page command (This will add blank page to your document)
  • blank-page

    If your text cursor indicator is placed at the top of your current page document text, when you click on the blank page command, the blank page will be added to before current page.
    But if your text cursor indicator is placed at the bottom of your current page document text, when you click on the blank page command, the blank page will be added to after the current page.

  • Page break is the process of dividing a page from the point where your text cursor indicator is located.

  • Step 2 - Place your text cursor indicator at the particular point you want break the page.
  • page-break
  • Step 2 - Click on the Insert tab, go to the Pages group (which is the first group) and click on the Page Break command (This will break that page into two)
  • page-break