MS Word - Tables


Tables are used in the arrangement or organization of data that has many details to be described. It usually helps see information clearly. Tables are made up of rows and columns.

In this tutorial, I will be teaching you how to create table, move table, delete table, insert cells, rows and columns to a table, resize rows, columns and table, set equal width and height for cells, merge cells, split cell, split a table, table content alignment, using table styles, adding shades to table, adding borders to table and how to use formula in a table.

  • There are various steps or ways which you can use to insert a table in your document. Follow the steps below to insert a table.

  • Step 1 - Place your text cursor indicator at the point of your document where you want to insert the table.
  • tables
  • Step 2 - Click on the Insert tab, go the Tables group and click on the Tables command. (This will display a dropdown box with options that you can use to insert a table)
  • tables
  • Step - 3 (Using your mouse) - In the dropdown box, use your mouse to draw out the rows and columns that you want your table to contain, by moving it down and across the columns and rows. Then click to insert the table.
  • tables
  • Step - 3 (Using the Insert Table option) - In the dropdown box, click on the Insert table option.
    A dialog box will display for you to input the number of rows and columns you want your table to contain. Then select you AutoFit Behaviour.
  • tables

    AutoFit Behaviour is how the size of your rows and columns will be resized or adjusted, depending on the size of your content or when the length of the contents of your table increases or decreases.

  • Step - 3 (Using the Draw Table option) - In the dropdown box, click on the Draw table option.
    Your mouse pointer will be change to a pen, which you can use to draw table inside your document.
  • tables

    When using the Draw table option, your rows and columns might not be of perfect same sizes. Some might be bigger than the other, but the lines will be straight.

  • You can also type some text and later insert the text inside a table. Follow the steps below to do this.

  • Step 1 - Select the portion of text that you want to put inside a table.
  • tables
  • Step 2 - Click on the Insert tab, go the Tables group and click on the Tables command. (This will display a dropdown box with options that you can use to insert a table)
  • tables
  • Step 3 - Click on the Convert text to table option. (A dialog box will be displayed)
    You can change the number columns, but the rows can't be changed because Ms-word automatically calculates the lines of text and uses it as the row number. Select your autofit behaviour and set the way your text will be separated.
  • tables
  • Step 4 - Click Okay button and your text will be successfully placed inside a table.
  • tables

    Ms-word also provides you with quick table option which you can insert and edit its contents if necessary.
    From your Insert tab, in the Tables group, click on the Table and simply go to the Quick Tables option and a list of built-in tables will be display, click to insert any one of your choices.

  • Step 1 - Place mouse pointer over the table that you want to move. As soon your mouse pointer is place on the table, the move icon (cross symbol) will appear at the top left corner of the table.
  • Step 2 - Hold down the click button and move it to where you want to place the table, and then release the click button. Your table will be successfully placed in that position.
  • There are several ways to delete a table in Ms-word. You can use any of the methods below.

  • METHOD 1 - Select the entire table and press the Delete key on your keyboard. The table will be deleted.
  • METHOD 2 - Right Click on the move icon (cross symbol) on the table (usually located at the top left side of the table when you move your mouse over the table).
    From the edit group that is displayed, click on the Delete command OR from the dropdown mini-tool bar, click on Delete table, then click on Delete Table from the dropdown options. The table will be deleted.
  • tables
  • METHOD 3 - Click any where on the table you want to delete.
    In your menu tab, click on the Layout tab, and go to the Rows and Columns group and click on the Delete command. From the dropdown list, click on Delete Table. Your table will be successfully deleted.
  • tables
  • tips

    Cell is an insertion of a row and a column. Row is the line that runs horizontally, while Column is the line that runs vertically in a table.

  • Step 1 - Go to the point on the table that your want to insert cells, rows or columns and click on it to put your text cursor there.
  • tables
  • Step 2 - Right click on that point. From the dropdown list, move your mouse cursor to the insert option. From the list, select your desired option.
    • Insert Columns to the left: One column will be added to left side.
    • Insert Columns to the right: One column will be added to right side.
    • Insert rows above: One row will be added above that point.
    • Insert rows below: One row will be added below that point.
    • Insert cell: A cell will be added at that point.
  • tables
  • Step 3 - The cell, row or column will be inserted successfully.
  • tables

    You can also add rows and columns by using the menu tab.
    Click on point where you want to insert column or row, the go to the Layout tab, in your rows and columns group click on the appropriate commands.

    • Insert above: One row will be added above that point.
    • Insert below: One row will be added below that point.
    • Insert left: One column will be added to left side.
    • Insert right: One column will be added to right side.

    You can also add rows and columns by using the mini tool bar.
    Right click on point where you want to insert column or row, from the mini-toolbar displayed, click on the Insert option. This will display options to insert above, insert below, insert left and insert right.

  • There are several ways to delete cells, rows and columns in Ms-word. You can use any of the methods below.

  • METHOD 1 - Select the cell(s), rows(s) or columns(s) that you want to delete and press the Delete key on your keyboard. The cell(s), rows(s) or columns(s) will be deleted.
  • METHOD 2 - Select the cell(s), rows(s) or columns(s) that you want to delete.
    In your menu tab, click on the Layout tab, and go to the Rows and Columns group and click on the Delete command. From the dropdown list, click on the delete option command for cells, rows or columns. It will be successfully deleted.
  • tables
  • METHOD 3 - Select the cell(s), rows(s) or columns(s) that you want to delete.
    Right click on it. From the mini-toolbar displayed, click on the Delete option. This will display options to Delete Cells, Delete Columns, Delete Rows and Delete Table.

  • RESIZING ROW - Place your mouse pointer on top of the row line that you want to resize.
    Hold the click button and move the resize icon to your desired direction. (moving upwards - increases the row size, while moving downwards - decreases row size)
  • resizing-row
  • RESIZING COLUMN - Place your mouse pointer on top of the column line that you want to resize.
    Hold the click button and move the resize icon to your desired direction. (moving right - increases the row size, while moving left - decreases row size)
  • resizing-column
  • Step 1 - Place your mouse pointer over the table that you want to resize. As soon your mouse pointer is placed on the table, the resize icon (square shape) will appear at the bottom right corner of the table.
  • resize-table
  • Step 2 - Hold down the click button and move the resize icon to resize your table, and then release the click button. Your table will be resized successfully.
  • Step 1 - Click any area on the table.
  • tables
  • Step 2 - In your menu tab, click on the Layout tab, and go to the Cell size group and click on the Distribute row and Distribute column command. And the cells in your table will now have the same width and height
  • tables
  • Merging of cells is usually important especially when your table have different titles or headings. You can follow the steps below to merge cells.

  • Step 1 - Select the cells that you want to merge in your table.
  • merge-cells
  • Step 2 - In your menu tab, click on the Layout tab, and go to the Merge group and click on the Merge cells command. This will merge the selected cells into one cell.
  • merge-cells
  • Step 2 (Alternative) - Right click on the selected cells.
    From the dropdown list, click on the Merge cells option. This will merge the selected cells into one cell.
  • merge-cells
  • In some complex tables, there can be more than one information in one category. You can divide one cell into many cells.

  • Step 1 - Click on the cell that you want to split.
  • split-cell
  • Step 2 - In your menu tab, click on the Layout tab, and go to the Merge group and click on the Spilt cells command. (A dialog box will be display)
    From the dialog box, set the number of cells you want to divide the cell into.
  • split-cell
  • Step 3 - Click the Okay button and the cell will be splitted.
  • split-cell

    You can split more than one cell at a time, by selecting the cells and following the same method above.

  • Step 1 - Place text cursor on the position that you want split the table into two.
  • split-table
  • Step 2 - In your menu tab, click on the Layout tab, and go to the Merge group and click on the Spilt Table. Your table will be successfully divided into two different tables.
  • split-table
  • Unlike normal paragraph or text alignment that has only four types. When using tables, there are nine (9) types of alignments.

  • 1. Align Top Left - This aligns the selected text to the top left side of its cell.
  • 2. Align Top Center - This aligns the selected text to the top center of its cell.
  • 3. Align Top Right - This aligns the selected text to the top right side of its cell.
  • 4. Align Center Left - This centers the selected text vertically and aligns it to left side of its cell.
  • 5. Align Center - This centers the selected text vertically and horizontally of its cell.
  • 6. Align Center Right - This centers the selected text vertically and aligns it to right side of its cell.
  • 7. Align Bottom Left - This aligns the selected text to the bottom left side of its cell.
  • 8. Align Bottom Center - This aligns the selected text to the bottom center of its cell.
  • 9. Align Bottom Right - This aligns the selected text to the bottom right side of its cell.

  • Step 1 - Select the cells containing text that you want to align.
  • tables-text-alignment
  • Step 2 - In your menu tab, click on the Layout tab, and go to the Alignment group and click on your desired alignment button.
  • tables-text-alignment

    You can also control the direction of the text inside the any cell. Select the text that you want to change its direction.
    In your menu tab, click on the Layout tab, and go to the Alignment group and click on the Text Direction command. (As you continue to click on it, it will continue to change the text direction in the clockwise direction)


    You can also set the cell margins for the table by following the simple steps below.

  • Step 1 - Select the cells that you want to add margin. OR click on the table.
  • cell-margin
  • Step 2 - In your menu tab, click on the Layout tab, and go to the Alignment group and click on the Cell Margins command. (This will bring out a dialog box)

  • Step 3 - From the dialog box, you can set the margins for top, bottom, left and right of the cell. You can also choose to add default spacing if you wish and also autofit contents.

  • Step 3 - After setting margins, click on the OK button and your margin will be successfully applied.

  • Ms-word provides table styles which you can use to speed up your work process when using tables for your document.

  • Step 1 - Click on the table that you want to add styles to.
  • table-styles
  • Step 2 - In your menu tab, click on the Table Design tab, and go to the Table Styles group and click on any of the styles you like, and the table style will be successfully applied to that table.
  • table-styles

    To view more table styles, click on the navigation down button, and this will display Plain Tables, List Tables and Grid Tables styles.

  • Step 1 - In your menu tab, click on the Table Design tab, and go to the Table Styles group and click on the navigation down button.
    From the dropdown list, click on the Modify Table Style option.
  • modify-table
  • Step 2 - From the dialog box being display, you can now modify the styling of the table as you want. You can change the color, line thickness, fonts etc.
  • modify-table
  • Step 3 - After changing the styling of the table to your desired taste, click the Okay button and your table style will be successfully modified.
  • modify-table
  • Step 1 - In your menu tab, click on the Table Design tab, and go to the Table Styles group and click on the navigation down button.
    From the dropdown list, click on the New Table Style option.
  • new-table-style
  • Step 2 - From the dialog box being display, you can now create the table style you want.
  • new-table-style
  • Step 3 - After setting the styles, click the Okay button and your table style will be successfully created.
  • new-table-style
  • Step 1 - Click on the table you want to remove its styling.
  • modify-table
  • Step 2 - In your menu tab, click on the Table Design tab, and go to the Table Styles group and click on the navigation down button.
    From the dropdown list, click on the Clear option. (This will remove all the styles in the table)
  • modify-table
  • Just as we can add background color to text or paragraph, we can also add background color to cells inside a table.

  • Step 1 - Select the cell that you want apply shading to inside your table.
  • table-shading
  • Step 2 - In your menu tab, click on the Table Design tab, and go to the Table Styles group and click on the Shading, this will display colors. Click on any color to apply it to the cell backgrond in the table and the shading will be successfully applied
  • table-shading
  • Step 1 - Select the cells or table that you want apply border to.
  • table-borders
  • Step 2 - In your menu tab, click on the Table Design tab, and go to the Borders group and click on the Borders option, this will display list of border options to use. Click on the one you want to apply. Your border will be successfully applied to the selected table or cells.
  • table-borders
  • Step 1 - Click on the Table Design tab, and go to the Borders group and click on the Borders Styles. (This will open the border themes). Click on the one you want to use.

  • Step 2 - On that same Border group, click on the Pen color option (This will display dropdown of colors), then click the color you want to use.

  • Step 3 - Select the table or cells you want to apply the border styles to.

  • Step 4 - On that same Border group, click on the Borders option (This will display list of border options), then click on the one you want to use.

  • Border painter is used to add border styles and color to border in a table.

  • Step 1 - Click on the Table Design tab, and go to the Borders group and click on the Borders Painter.

  • Step 2 - Click the row that you want to add the border styles and color to, and it will be applied successfully.

  • Formula can be used in Ms-word to add, subtract, multiply and perform different mathematical operations in tables. Follow the simple steps below to know how to use formula in Ms-word.

  • Step 1 - Use the table below for this tutorial, or you can create you own table containing values that you want to use perform mathematical operations.
    Click in the cell that you want the result to appear.
  • using-formula-for-table
  • Step 2 - In your menu tab, click on the Layout tab, and go to the Data group and click on the Formula command. This will display the formula dialog box.
  • using-formula-for-table
  • Step 3 - In the formula dialog box, you can type in the formula you want to use. By default, the formula here is =SUM(LEFT). This will calculate the sum of the values on the left side of the cell and output the result. To use other formula, you can click on the Paste function arrow head down button, to display other formula. You can also choose the number format by clicking on the Number format arrow head down button, to display number formats.
  • using-formula-for-table

    Your formula will be applied successfully and it will solve it correctly.


Before you move on to the next tutorial, here are some commonly used formulae in Ms-word and what they used for. Go through the table below to get familiar with them.



Used to calculate the average value in the cells lists


MAX( )

Used to get the maximum (highest) value in the cell lists


MIN( )

Used to get the minimum (smallest) value in the cell lists



Used to multiply the values in the cell lists


SUM( )

Used to sum up the values in the cell lists



Used to count the number of items in the cells lists