MS Word - How To Design A Simple Business Card

How To Design A Simple Business Card

In this tutorial, I will be showing you how to design a simple business card which can be used for various business. The details am going to be using for the design such as names, address, phone number etc are my friends' details or random inputs. You can use yours or some else's own. The main aim is for you to know how to design a simple business card

  • Step 1 - Unlike other tutorials before where we save the grouped objects as picture, for this particular we are going to be using the entire document space. But first let's resize the document page.
    Open a blank document page. Click the Layout tab, then go to the Page Setup group and click on the dialog box launcher icon at the bottom right corner of the group.
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  • Step 2 - From the Page Setup dialog box displayed make sure the Margin tab is selected. In the margin section, set margin top, left, gutter, bottom and right to 0. In the orientation section click on the Landscape option.
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  • Step 3 - Click the Paper tab. Inside the Paper Size section, change the first option to Custom Size. Change the Width to 3.5 inches and the Height to 2 inches. Then click the OK button.
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    The size for business cards and complimentary card is 3.5 * 2. But if the person you want to design the card for wants the card to be bigger, then you can adjust the size.

  • Step 4 - Ms-word will display a prompt dialog box telling you that the margins are outside the printable area, ignore this by clicking on the Ignore button.
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  • Step 5 - Now your document size has been set successfully for you to start designing the business card.
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  • Step 6 - You can zoom in a little in order to see clearly what you want to start designing. In my own case, I have zoom in to 200%.
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  • Step 7 - To cover the background, we have to draw a rectangle. Click on the Insert tab, go to the Illustrations group and click the Shapes button. From the dropdown list of shapes, click the Rectangle shape.
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  • Step 8 - Now draw the rectangle to cover the entire page. Note that the fill color of the rectangle is Pink.
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  • Step 9 - Remove the shape outline. Click on the shape, the go to the Shape Format tab. In the shape format tab, go to the Shape Styles group and click on the Shape Outline button. From the dropdown list of option, click on the No Outline option.
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  • Step 10 - Next let's make a simple logo with just one shape. Click on the Insert tab, go to the Illustrations group and click the Shapes button. From the dropdown list of shapes, click the Flowchart: Display shape.
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  • Step 11 - Draw the shape. Then click the Shape Format tab, go to Shape Styles group and click on the Shape Fill. From the dropdown options click No Fill.
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  • Step 12 - Now let's change the outline color to white. Click the Shape Format tab, go to Shape Styles group and click on the Shape Outline. From the dropdown options click the White color.
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  • Step 13 - Lets also increase the weight of the outline. Click the Shape Format tab, go to Shape Styles group and click on the Shape Outline. From the dropdown options, place your mouse pointer over the Weight option. From the sub options displayed, click the 41/2pt.
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  • Step 14 - Resize the shape so that it looks a little bit small as shown in the image below.
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  • Step 15 - Now let's add the brand name of company name of the business. To add text to anywhere in a document you would have to use the text box.
    Click the Insert tab, go to the Text group. From the dropdown list of options displayed, move downwards and click on the Draw Text Box option.
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  • Step 16 - Draw the text box and type in the brand/company name for the business. In my own case I'm using BeautyPlus, you can use any brand name you want for this practice.
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  • Step 17 - Remove the Fill color from the text box. Click the Shape Format tab, go to the Shape Styles group and click on the Shape Fill button. From the list of options displayed click No Fill.
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  • Step 18 - Remove the outline from the text box. Click the Shape Format tab, go to the Shape Styles group and click on the Shape Outline button. From the list of options displayed click No Outline.
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  • Step 19 - Edit the text, select font type that is bold and decrease the font size. In my own case, I am using Franklin Gothic Demi for the font and I decreased the font size to 8. You can use similar font and font size as shown in the image below.
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  • Step 20 - Increase the spacing in-between the letters. Click the Home tab, then go to the Font group and click the dialog box launcher icon at the bottom right corner of the group.
    This will display the font dialog box. Inside this box, click the Advanced tab. Inside the advanced tab, under the character spacing section, change the spacing to Expanded. Then change the Spacing By to 0.4pt.
    Click on the Ok button to apply changes.
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  • Step 21 - The character or letter spacing is now added successfully.
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  • Step 22 - Click the Home tab, go to the Font group and click the font color dropdown icon. From the list of options displayed, click the White Color to apply it to the text.
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  • Step 23 - Next, add the tagline of the business just below the brand/company name using text box also. Format the text, change the font size, font and spacing. The tagline font size should be smaller. In my own case below, I used the Calibri (Body) font and font size of 3.5.
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  • Step 24 - Now you will have to move the Logo, the brand/company name and the tagline to the center of the document page. To do this you will have to select all object by holding down the Ctrl key and Click them one after the another.
    After selecting them, Right Click on any of the editing point to display a list of options. From the list of options, move your mouse pointer to Group, the click Group again from the sub options displayed.
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  • Step 25 - You can now move the grouped object to the center of the document all at once.
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  • Step 26 - Business cards usually have two sides, we are done with the first side, so let insert another page to start designing the second side. Click the Insert tab, go to the Pages group and click on the Blank Page option.
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  • Step 27 - To insert a line, click the Insert tab and go to the Illustrations group. From the illustrations group, click the Shapes button which will display list of shape options. Click the Line option as shown in the image below.
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  • Step 28 - Draw a straight line at the middle of the document as shown in the image below. (Notice the margins at the top and bottom of the line)
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  • Step 29 - Click the Shape Format, then go to the Shape Styles group and click on the Shape Outline button. From the dropdown list of options click the Pink Color to change the line color to Pink.
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  • Step 30 - You will also need to increase the line weight. Click the Shape Format, then go to the Shape Styles group and click on the Shape Outline button. From the dropdown list of options, move your mouse pointer to Weight and click the 1pt from the sub list displayed.
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  • Step 31 - Now duplicate the group that contains the Logo, Brand/Company and Tagline name from the first document card and place it at the left side of the second document card as shown below. Change the fill color of the text to Pink and the Outline color of the shape to Pink also.
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  • Step 32 - Next is to start add the details of the business card owner. First thing you will need to add is the name and skill set, but before this we need an icon beside it.
    Click the Insert tab, go to the Illustrations group and click on the Icons button. This will display a dialog box with icons tab selected. Inside the search input field, type in Profile, then select the first icon that displays from the search. Click the Insert button.
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  • Step 33 - Now wait for few seconds for the icon to download.
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  • Step 34 - After the icon has been inserted, right click on it. From the list of options, move your mouse pointer to Wrap Text which will display sub options. From the sub options click on Square option.
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  • Step 35 - Now resize the icon and position it at the right side of the card near the center line as shown in the image below.
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  • Step 36 - Click the icon again and go to the Graphics Format tab. In the graphics format tab, inside the Graphics Styles group click the Graphics Fill button. From the displayed options click the Pink Color option to apply pink color fill to the icon.
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  • Step 37 - Now add the name of the business card owner using the text box just as we did while adding the brand/company name. Format the text, remove the text box fill and outline, then change the color of the text to pink. You can decide to use sentence case in the text, but mine is uppercase. Remember to use the same font type or a matching font type.
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  • Step 38 - Next add the specialization of the business card owner. This can be skills such as Web Developer, Graphic Designer, Fashion Designer etc. In my own case, it is Make-up Artist I am using.
    Format the text, decrease the font size and using the same color pink. Remember to add character spacing as previously done before when adding texts in the first card.
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  • Step 39 - Now let's start up with adding contact details. The first here is the Phone number, but before you add the phone number, we need an icon beside it.
    Click the Insert tab, go to the Illustrations group and click on the Icons button. This will display a dialog box with icons tab selected. Inside the search input field, type in Phone, then select the first icon that displays from the search. Click the Insert button.
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  • Step 40 - Now wait for few seconds for the icon to download.
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  • Step 41 - After the phone icon has been inserted, Right Click on it. From the list of options, move your mouse pointer to Wrap Text which will display sub options. From the sub options click on Square option.
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  • Step 42 - Now resize the icon and position it at the right side of the card near the center line, below the previous text as shown in the image below.
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  • Step 43 - Click the phone icon again and go to the Graphics Format tab. In the graphics format tab, inside the Graphics Styles group click the Graphics Fill button. From the displayed options click the Pink Color option to apply pink color fill to the icon.
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  • Step 44 - Next add the phone number using the text box again. Format the text, remove the text box outline and fill color. Change the font color to pink and decrease the font size as shown in the image below.
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    I am not repeating the steps for removing outline, fill color in text box and a few others, this is because you have already seen how to do this is previous early steps. But if in any way you are missed something, kindly go back and check it up.

  • Step 45 - Next following similar Steps 39 - 44 add Email to the contact details as shown in the image below.
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  • Step 46 - Next following similar Steps 39 - 44 add Location to the contact details as shown in the image below.
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  • Step 47 - Now you have to group the contact details in order for it to be easy to move at once to the center.
    Select all the objects in the contact details (icons and text) by holding down the Ctrl key and clicking them one by one. After selecting, Right Click on any of the editing points. From the options displayed, click move your mouse pointer to Group and click on Group from the sub list of options.
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  • Step 48 - After grouping, you can now adjust the contact details position by moving it a little bit to the center as shown in the image below
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  • Step 49 - Now you also have to group the profile icon, name and skill set too.
    Select all the objects (icon and texts) by holding down the Ctrl key and clicking them one by one. After selecting, Right Click on any of the editing points. From the options displayed, click move your mouse pointer to Group and click on Group from the sub list of options.
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  • Step 50 - After grouping, you can now adjust the position by moving it a little bit towards the contact details as shown in the image below
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  • Step 51 - Add the website address (URL) of the company or brand to the left side of the card using the text box. Format the text, using small font size, the same font type and fill color of Pink.
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  • Step 52 - Congratulations you have successfully designed the second side of the business card.
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  • Step 53 - Now the both sides of the card are ready for you save and possibly print out.
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  • Step 54 - Side to Side view of the business cards.
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  • Step 55 - Now click on the File Tab. Click the Save As option and click the Browse button.
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  • Step 56 - Ms-word will open your file explorer for you to browser the location in your system that you want to save the business card to.
    Type in the file name inside the file name input field. In the Save As Type input field, change it to PDF. Then click the Save button to save the file.
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  • Step 57 - Business card successfully saved in PDF FORMAT.
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