Excel - Copy, Delete and Hide Worksheet

Copy, Delete and Hide Worksheet

In this tutorial, I will be showing you how to copy a worksheet, delete a worksheet and also hide worksheet.


Workbook is made up multiple worksheet tabs, while worksheet is a single tab inside a workbook.

  • Step 1 - Open the workbook that you want to make a worksheet copy from. (In my case I have two worksheets - Sheet1 and Sheet2 and I want to delete Sheet1)
  • delete-worksheet
  • Step 2 - At the bottom, before the status bar Right Click on the worksheet name. From the dropdown list click on the Move or Copy option.
  • copy-worksheet
  • Step 3 - A dialog box will be displayed. From the dialog box select the workbook that you want to move the copy of the sheet to, select the worksheet from the list, tick the check box of Create a copy and finally click on the OK button.
  • delete-worksheet
  • Step 4 - A copy of that worksheet will be added to the workbook.
  • copy-worksheet
  • Step 1 - Open the workbook that you want to delete a worksheet from. (In my case I have two worksheets - Sheet1 and Sheet2 and I want to delete Sheet1)
  • delete-worksheet
  • Step 2 - At the bottom, before the status bar Right Click on the worksheet name. From the dropdown list click on the Delete option to delete the worksheet.
  • delete-worksheet
  • Step 3 - Excel will display a confirmation dialog box asking you whether you want to permanently delete the worksheet. Click the Delete button.
  • delete-worksheet
  • Step 4 - The worksheet will be successfully deleted. (In my own case, I deleted sheet1 and only sheet2 is left)
  • delete-worksheet
  • Step 1 - Open the workbook that you want to hide worksheet. (In my case I have two worksheets - Sheet1 and Sheet2 and I want to delete Sheet1)
  • delete-worksheet
  • Step 2 - At the bottom, before the status bar Right Click on the worksheet name. From the dropdown list click on the Hide option to delete the worksheet.
  • delete-worksheet
  • Step 4 - The worksheet will be successfully hidden. (In my own case, I hide sheet1 and only sheet2 is visible)
  • delete-worksheet
  • Step 1 - Simply Right click on the any of the worksheet left in the workbook. From the list displayed click on the Unhide option.
  • delete-worksheet
  • Step 2 - A dialog box will be displayed. In this dialog box, you will see all the hidden worksheets. Select the worksheet you wan to unhide and click on the Okay button.
  • delete-worksheet
  • Step 4 - The worksheet will be now be displayed (In my own case, I unhid my sheet1 and its now visible)
  • delete-worksheet