Excel - Fill Handling

Fill Handling

Fill handling is a feature in Excel that autofill cells using a specific pattern. The pattern to be used is usually gotten from the user data entered. This feature can be used in numbers and texts.

Before using fill handling in Excel, you have to check whether it is enabled. In most cases it should already be enabled.

  • Step 1 - Open your excel worksheet. Click on the File tab.
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  • Step 2 - Inside the home window, at the left side, click More, then click on Options. (This will open the Excel Options windows)
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  • Step 3 - In the Excel Options windows, at the left side, click the Advanced option. Inside the advance page, under the Editing Options heading, click to mark the check box beside the Enable Fill Handle and Cell drag-and-drop. If the checkbox is already marked, then just go back to the worksheet.
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  • Step 1 - Open your excel worksheet. Type in the first two numbers.
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  • Step 2 - Select both cells as shown below, then move your mouse pointer to the small square icon at the bottom right corner of the last selected cell. You will notice that your mouse pointer changes to a Plus sign.
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  • Step 3 - Now, click and drag down the plus sign as shown in the image below.
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  • Step 4 - After dragging it to your desired cell position, release the click button the numbers will autofill the rest cells.
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    The formatting pattern used (yellow shading for odd numbers) also effected in the autofill process.

  • Step 5 - After excel autofill the cells, you can also use other autofill options. Click the Autofill Options Icon Dropdown Arrow the autofill options will be displayed for you to use.
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  • Copy Cells - This option when selected enables the data copied from the selected cells to the dragged cells.
  • Fill Series - This option when selected gets the pattern of the selected cells and autofill it to the dragged cells.
  • Fill Formatting Only - This option is used to paste the selected cells formatting to the dragged cell without the data in the cells.
  • Fill Without Formatting - This option is used to paste the selected cells data to the dragged cell without the formatting in the cells.
  • Flash Fill - This option looks at the previous entered data and when ever you start typing the same data it provides an auto completion suggestion.
  • Step 1 - Open your excel worksheet. Type in the monday or any day of the week, then move your mouse pointer to the small square icon at the bottom right corner of that cell. You will notice that your mouse pointer changes to a plus sign.
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  • Step 2 - Now, click and drag down the plus sign until the 7th cell is selected.
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  • Step 3 - The days of the remaining week will autofill the rest of the cells.
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    Since there are seven days in a week, if you drag it to the 8th or 9th cell, the pattern will start again from first day you typed in the first cell.

  • Step 1 - Open your excel worksheet. Type in the January or any month of the week, then move your mouse pointer to the small square icon at the bottom right corner of that cell. You will notice that your mouse pointer changes to a plus sign.
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  • Step 2 - Now, click and drag down the plus sign to the 11th cell.
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  • Step 3 - The other months of the year will autofill the rest of the cells.
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    As you are dragging down the plus sign, you will see the autofill value of the cell by the left side. This enables you to decide the cell you might want to stop at.

  • Step 1 - Open your excel worksheet. Type in the current date using any format of your choice. Move your mouse pointer to the small square icon at the bottom right corner of that cell. You will notice that your mouse pointer changes to a plus sign.
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  • Step 2 - Now, click and drag down the plus sign to cell you want to stop at.
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  • Step 3 - The date will increment and will autofill the rest of the cells.
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  • Step 4 - After excel autofill the cells, you can also use other autofill options. Click the Autofill Options Icon Dropdown Arrow the autofill options will be displayed for you to use.
  • fill-handling
  • Copy Cells - This option when selected enables the data copied from the selected cells to the dragged cells.
  • Fill Series - This option when selected gets the pattern of the selected cells and autofill it to the dragged cells.
  • Fill Formatting Only - This option is used to paste the selected cells formatting to the dragged cell without the data in the cells.
  • Fill Without Formatting - This option is used to paste the selected cells data to the dragged cell without the formatting in the cells.
  • Fill Days - This option is used to autofill the cells with days of the week.
  • Fill Weekdays - This option is used to autofill the cells with weekdays only without adding weekends.
  • Fill Months - This option is used to autofill the cells with incrementing months. Note that the day number will be the same for all cells and only the month numbers will be changed.
  • Fill Years - This option is used to autofill the cells with incrementing years. Note that the day and month number will be the same for all cells and only the years numbers will be changed.
  • Flash Fill - This option looks at the previous entered data and when ever you start typing the same data it provides an auto completion suggestion.