Excel - Page Numbering

Page Numbering

Page Numbering most times is usually important in most document especially for large number of worksheets. To add page number to an excel worksheet, just follow the simple steps below.

  • Step 1 - Open your excel worksheet that you want to add page number to. Make sure you have some data already in it.
    Click on the Insert tab, then go to the far-right side of the insert ribbon and click the Text option which will bring out the Text Group. Inside the text group, click on the Header & Footer option.
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  • Step 2 - Your header and footer section will be displayed in the worksheet. Notice you are now on the Header and Footer tab. Now you can add the page number either at the header or the footer. To add page number at the footer, first click on the option Go to Footer inside the navigation group in the header and footer tab.
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  • Step 3 - You will be taken to the footer section as shown in the image below.
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  • Step 4 - Go to the Header and Footer tab again, inside the Header and Footer Elements group, click on the Page Number option. This will add the page numbering code at the footer of the page.
  • page-number
  • Step 5 - Click anywhere in the worksheet and the page number will be displayed for that particular worksheet.
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    When you add another page, Excel automatically numbers the second page to be 2. You do not need to go through the same process again, it keeps on numbering the pages automatically it increases.

  • Step 6 - Now we have added page number for the current page, but to add the total number of pages click on the footer page number again.
    This will bring out the page numbering code &[Page], after it just type of. Then in the Header and Footer tab, inside the Header and Footer Elements click on the Number of Pages option.
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  • Step 7 - The Total number of pages code &[Pages] will be added.
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  • Step 8 - Click anywhere in the worksheet and the current page and the total number of pages will be displayed accordingly.
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  • Step 1 - Open your excel worksheet that you want to add page number to. Make sure you have some data already in it.
    Click on the Page Layout tab, then go to the Page Setup group. At the bottom right edge of the group click the dialog box launcher icon that will display the Page Setup Dialog Box.
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  • Step 2 - Inside the Page Setup dialog box, click on the Header and Footer tab. Inside that section, click the footer selection dropdown menu icon and from the dropdown options displayed click the type of page numbering that you want. Click the Ok button to save and apply it.
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  • Step 3 - The page numbering will be added successfully.
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If you know the page numbering codes by heart, you can just type in the footer and click anywhere in the worksheet and the page numbering will be inserted instantly.

  • &[Page] - This code displays the current page
  • &[Pages] - This code displays the total number of pages
  • &[Time] - This code displays the current time
  • &[Date] - This code displays the current date
  • &[File] - This code displays the name of the workbook
  • &[Tab] - This code displays the worksheet name
  • &[Path] - This code displays the workbook path.