Excel - Sparklines


In this tutorial, I will be showing you how to create sparklines in Excel. Sparklines are tiny charts usually placed inside a cell which represents a row of data that is selected. Sparklines is which is also called in-line charts includes the following types: Line Sparkline, Column Sparkline and Win/Loss Sparkline.

  • Step 1 - Select the range of data that you want to create sparklines for in your excel worksheet. Make sure a column at the right side of the data is empty where the sparklines will be added to.
  • creating-sparklines
  • Step 2 - Click on the Insert tab and go to the Sparklines group. In the sparklines group you will see the three sparklines options to use: Line, Column and Win/Loss Sparklines.
  • creating-sparklines
  • Step 3 (Line Sparkline) - After clicking on the Line Sparkline, the create sparkline dialog box will be displayed. Inside this dialog box, the data range is the range of data you have already selected. The location range is the range of the location your want the sparkline to appear in.
  • creating-line-sparklines
  • Step 4 (Line Sparkline) - Now, in your excel worksheet, select the location you want the sparkline to appear. The selected location will show in the location range in the create sparkline dialog box. Then click the OK button.
  • creating-line-sparklines
  • Step 5 (Line Sparkline) - Line Sparklines will be creating successfully.
  • creating-line-sparklines

    To format line sparkline, click on the Sparkline tab and the sparkline ribbon will be displayed. Here you can change the sparkline styles, color, show/hide different point using different colors, delete selected sparklines and lots more.

  • Step 3 (Column Sparkline) - After clicking on the Column Sparkline, the create sparkline dialog box will be displayed. Inside this dialog box, the data range is the range of data you have already selected. The location range is the range of the location your want the sparkline to appear in.
  • creating-column-sparklines
  • Step 4 (Column Sparkline) - Now, in your excel worksheet, select the location you want the sparkline to appear. The selected location will show in the location range in the create sparkline dialog box. Then click the OK button.
  • creating-column-sparklines
  • Step 5 (Column Sparkline) - Column Sparklines will be creating successfully.
  • creating-column-sparklines

    To format column sparkline, click on the Sparkline tab and the sparkline ribbon will be displayed. Here you can change the sparkline styles, color, show/hide different point using different colors, delete selected sparklines and lots more.

  • For win/loss usually makes sense with data that has negative values. For this section I will be using another range of data to proceed with this part.

  • Step 1 - Select the range of data that you want to create sparklines for in your excel worksheet. Make sure a column at the right side of the data is empty where the sparklines will be added to.
  • creating-sparklines
  • Step 2 - Click on the Insert tab and go to the Sparklines group. In the sparklines group you will see the three sparklines options to use: Line, Column and Win/Loss Sparklines.
  • creating-sparklines
  • Step 3 (Win/Loss Sparkline) - After clicking on the Column Sparkline, the create sparkline dialog box will be displayed. Inside this dialog box, the data range is the range of data you have already selected. The location range is the range of the location your want the sparkline to appear in.
  • creating-win-loss-sparklines
  • Step 4 (Win/Loss Sparkline) - Now, in your excel worksheet, select the location you want the sparkline to appear. The selected location will show in the location range in the create sparkline dialog box. Then click the OK button.
  • creating-win-loss-sparklines
  • Step 5 (Win/Loss Sparkline) - Win/Loss Sparklines will be creating successfully.
  • creating-win-loss-sparklines

    To format win/loss sparkline, click on the Sparkline tab and the sparkline ribbon will be displayed. Here you can change the sparkline styles, color, show/hide different point using different colors, delete selected sparklines and lots more.

  • Another method for easily creating sparklines in Excel is usually the quick analysis toolbar. Follow the steps below to learn this.
  • note

    Quick Analysis toolbar contains the Formatting, Charts, Totals, Tables and Sparklines options.

  • Step 1 - Select the range of data that you want to create sparklines for in your excel worksheet.
    Click the Quick Analysis icon. This will display a dropdown dialog box. Click the Sparklines Tab.
  • creating-sparklines
  • Step 2 - If you place your mouse pointer over the sparkline option that you want to use, it will be displayed.
  • creating-sparklines