Excel - Shortcuts

MS Excel Shortcuts

Shortcuts in Excel makes work process easy and fast. In this tutorial I will be showing you the Excel shortcuts that you can use while editing and formatting your worksheets.


Opens the help option pane


To start editing selected cell


Check spellings for the selected text (Opens the proofing pane).


Creates chat from the data selected.

Ctrl + N

Create new blank workbook.

Ctrl + A

Select all the cells in the worksheet.

Ctrl + Shift + (Left Arrow)

Select all the cells on the left side.

Ctrl + Shift + (Right Arrow)

Select all the cells on the right side

Shift + (Left Arrow)

Selects cell to the left.

Shift + (Right Arrow)

Selects cell to the right.

Shift + (Up Arrow)

Selects cell to the upwards.

Shift + (Down Arrow)

Selects cell downwards.

Shift + Spacebar

Selects the entire row

Ctrl + Spacebar

Selects the entire column

Shift + Home

Selects cells from the current position to the beginning of the row.

Shift + End

Selects cells from the current position to the end of the row.

Ctrl + B

Make text in selected cell to be bold.

Ctrl + 2

Make text in selected cell to be bold.

Ctrl + C

Copy text in selected cell

Ctrl + X

Cut content in selected cell

Ctrl + V

Paste copied or cut content in cell.

Shift + Insert

Paste copied or cut content in cell.

Ctrl + I

Make text in selected cell to be in italic.

Ctrl + 3

Make text in selected cell to be in italic.

Ctrl + U

Underline text in selected cell.

Ctrl + 4

Underline text in selected cell.

Ctrl + 5

Strikethrough text in selected cell.

Ctrl + O

Opens the open option page.

Ctrl + 9

Hide selected row

Ctrl + Shift + 9

Unhide selected row

Ctrl + 0

Hide selected column

Ctrl + P

Opens the print window page.

Ctrl + F2

Opens the print window page.

Ctrl + Shift + F12

Opens the print window page.

Ctrl + F

Opens the Find and Replace dialog box.

Ctrl + H

Opens the Find and Replace dialog box.

Ctrl + K

Opens the insert hyperlink dialog box.

Ctrl + G

Opens the Go To dialog box.


Opens the Go To dialog box.

Ctrl + D

Deletes content in the selected cell.

Ctrl + Spacebar

Used to select an entire column up and downwards from the selected cell.

Ctrl + T

Add hanging indentation.

Ctrl + Shift + T

Opens the Create Table dialog box.

Ctrl + L

Opens the Create Table dialog box.

Ctrl + Shift + +

Opens the small Insert dialog box for rows, columns and cells.

Shift + F3

Opens the Insert Function dialog box.

Ctrl + Y

Redo last changes or action.


Redo last changes or action.

Ctrl + Z

Undo last changes or action.

Alt + Backspace

Undo last changes or action.


For save as.

Ctrl + S

To save the current workbook

Shift + F12

To save the current document.

Ctrl + W

To close document window

Ctrl + 1

Opens the Font tab inside the Format Cells dialog box.

Ctrl + (Up Arrow)

Move to the beginning of first cell that contain text in the worksheet.

Ctrl + (Down Arrow)

Move to the ending of first cell that contain text in the worksheet.

Ctrl + (Left Arrow)

Move text cursor across on cell to the left.

Ctrl + (Right Arrow)

Move text cursor across on cell to the right.

Ctrl + Home

Move to the beginning of the worksheet.


Move to the next cell.

Shift + Tab

Move to the previous cell.

Ctrl + End

Move to the end of the worksheet.

Ctrl + F1

Hides/Displays the ribbon

Shift + F2

Add comment to selected cell.

Shift + F7

Opens the thesaurus pane.

Ctrl + Shift + ;

Insert current time.

Ctrl + ;

Insert current date.

Ctrl + F7

Initiate Move for the window.

Ctrl + F12

Open file.

Alt + Shift + F1

Creates New Worksheet.

Alt + Shift + F2

Used to save current worksheet.