MS Excel Shortcuts
Shortcuts in Excel makes work process easy and fast. In this tutorial I will be showing you the Excel shortcuts that you can use while editing and formatting your worksheets.
F1 |
Opens the help option pane |
F2 |
To start editing selected cell |
F7 |
Check spellings for the selected text (Opens the proofing pane). |
F11 |
Creates chat from the data selected. |
Ctrl + N |
Create new blank workbook. |
Ctrl + A |
Select all the cells in the worksheet. |
Ctrl + Shift + (Left Arrow) |
Select all the cells on the left side. |
Ctrl + Shift + (Right Arrow) |
Select all the cells on the right side |
Shift + (Left Arrow) |
Selects cell to the left. |
Shift + (Right Arrow) |
Selects cell to the right. |
Shift + (Up Arrow) |
Selects cell to the upwards. |
Shift + (Down Arrow) |
Selects cell downwards. |
Shift + Spacebar |
Selects the entire row |
Ctrl + Spacebar |
Selects the entire column |
Shift + Home |
Selects cells from the current position to the beginning of the row. |
Shift + End |
Selects cells from the current position to the end of the row. |
Ctrl + B |
Make text in selected cell to be bold. |
Ctrl + 2 |
Make text in selected cell to be bold. |
Ctrl + C |
Copy text in selected cell |
Ctrl + X |
Cut content in selected cell |
Ctrl + V |
Paste copied or cut content in cell. |
Shift + Insert |
Paste copied or cut content in cell. |
Ctrl + I |
Make text in selected cell to be in italic. |
Ctrl + 3 |
Make text in selected cell to be in italic. |
Ctrl + U |
Underline text in selected cell. |
Ctrl + 4 |
Underline text in selected cell. |
Ctrl + 5 |
Strikethrough text in selected cell. |
Ctrl + O |
Opens the open option page. |
Ctrl + 9 |
Hide selected row |
Ctrl + Shift + 9 |
Unhide selected row |
Ctrl + 0 |
Hide selected column |
Ctrl + P |
Opens the print window page. |
Ctrl + F2 |
Opens the print window page. |
Ctrl + Shift + F12 |
Opens the print window page. |
Ctrl + F |
Opens the Find and Replace dialog box. |
Ctrl + H |
Opens the Find and Replace dialog box. |
Ctrl + K |
Opens the insert hyperlink dialog box. |
Ctrl + G |
Opens the Go To dialog box. |
F5 |
Opens the Go To dialog box. |
Ctrl + D |
Deletes content in the selected cell. |
Ctrl + Spacebar |
Used to select an entire column up and downwards from the selected cell. |
Ctrl + T |
Add hanging indentation. |
Ctrl + Shift + T |
Opens the Create Table dialog box. |
Ctrl + L |
Opens the Create Table dialog box. |
Ctrl + Shift + + |
Opens the small Insert dialog box for rows, columns and cells. |
Shift + F3 |
Opens the Insert Function dialog box. |
Ctrl + Y |
Redo last changes or action. |
F4 |
Redo last changes or action. |
Ctrl + Z |
Undo last changes or action. |
Alt + Backspace |
Undo last changes or action. |
F12 |
For save as. |
Ctrl + S |
To save the current workbook |
Shift + F12 |
To save the current document. |
Ctrl + W |
To close document window |
Ctrl + 1 |
Opens the Font tab inside the Format Cells dialog box. |
Ctrl + (Up Arrow) |
Move to the beginning of first cell that contain text in the worksheet. |
Ctrl + (Down Arrow) |
Move to the ending of first cell that contain text in the worksheet. |
Ctrl + (Left Arrow) |
Move text cursor across on cell to the left. |
Ctrl + (Right Arrow) |
Move text cursor across on cell to the right. |
Ctrl + Home |
Move to the beginning of the worksheet. |
Tab |
Move to the next cell. |
Shift + Tab |
Move to the previous cell. |
Ctrl + End |
Move to the end of the worksheet. |
Ctrl + F1 |
Hides/Displays the ribbon |
Shift + F2 |
Add comment to selected cell. |
Shift + F7 |
Opens the thesaurus pane. |
Ctrl + Shift + ; |
Insert current time. |
Ctrl + ; |
Insert current date. |
Ctrl + F7 |
Initiate Move for the window. |
Ctrl + F12 |
Open file. |
Alt + Shift + F1 |
Creates New Worksheet. |
Alt + Shift + F2 |
Used to save current worksheet. |