Using Function In Excel
Excel comes with different functions which you can use for different purposes. Excel built in functions are grouped into different categories for easy understanding and usage when the need arises.
Excel functions are categorized into the following:
- AutoSum - This category contains functions for calculating sum, average, showing minimum and maximum values of range of numbers and counting numbers.
- Financial - This function category contains functions used for executing various financial calculations such as interest rates, depreciation, yield calculations, pricing, payment functions and lots more.
- Logical - The logical function category contains functions used to test for true or false from selected data. It also contains functions used for comparing multiple data to give results that can be used for further calculations.
- Text - The Text functions category contains functions that are used to change the way text is displayed in a cell such as changing to uppercase or lowercase, formatting text and numbers etc.
- Date and Time - This category contains different functions for formatting date and time.
- Lookup and References - This category contains different functions that is used to perform operations in array of data such as providing information on data sets, getting data address and other similar operations.
- Math and Trig - This category contains functions that are used for mathematical calculations and trigonometrical operations.
- Statistical - This category contains other functions which are used in mathematics for statistical operations, computations and calculations.
- Engineering - This category contains functions which are used for both simple and complex engineering calculations.
- Cube - Cube function category in excel contains functions which are used to retrieve data from any SQL sources.
- Information - The information function category contains functions that are able to return information about the contents, location or formatting of a cell.
- Compatibility - This category of functions contains other functions which are used to support functions or replace pre-existing functions for better performance and operation.
- Web - Web function category includes functions which can be used to return information from the internet or intranet in a specific form.
This function returns TRUE if all the arguments being compared are TRUE, but returns FALSE if one or more arguments being compared are false. |
OR |
This function returns TRUE if any of the arguments being compared are TRUE, but returns FALSE if all the arguments being compared are false. |
This function returns the opposite of the logical value. That is if a value is false, it returns TRUE, and if a value is TRUE, it returns FALSE. |
This function returns TRUE if one of the argument being compared is true, and it will return FALSE if both arguments being compared are true. |
IF |
This function is used to make logical comparison for values. This function returns one value for TRUE and another value for FALSE. |
Max function is used to get the largest number from a group or list of numbers |
Min function is used to get the smallest number from a group or list of numbers |
The function is used to calculate the average value from a group or list of numbers. Remember the average is the sum of all numbers divided by the count of the numbers. |
Count function is used to count the return the total count of the selected values. |
The sum function is used to return the total addition of the selected numbers. |
ABS is a function in Excel that is used to return the absolute value of the selected number. Absolute value is the distance from zero that a number is on the number line, without taking into consideration the direction of the number. E.g. Absolute value of -5 = 5 |
This function returns the sign that is associated with the selected number in the format (+1, -1 or 0). |
The product function is used to calculate the multiplication of the selected numbers. |
The LCM function is used to calculate the least common multiple of the selected numbers. |
This function in excel is used to return the reminder of any division between two selected numbers. E.g. MOD(7,3) will return 1, because 7/3 will give you 2 reminder 1. |
Median function returns the middle value of the selected group of numbers in a list. |
It is used to return the number that appears most in a range or list of data being selected. |
This function in excel is used to return the positive square root of the selected number. |
This function converts the selected data (alphabets) to lowercase (small letters). |
This function converts the selected data (alphabets) to uppercase (Capital Letters). |
Len function is used to return the length of the selected string or data. |
This function is used to join two or more selected data together. |
The trim function is used to remove extra spaces at the beginning and ending and duplicates of the selected data. |
Date function is used to return the date from the selected day, month and year. Make sure the three data are complete when using this function. |
Time function is used to return the time from the selected second, minute and hour. Make sure the three data are complete when using this function. |
This function returns the current date and time. |
This function is used to display today's date. |