Excel - Format Worksheet, Cells, Rows and Columns

Format Worksheet, Cells, Rows and Columns

In this tutorial, I am going to be showing the how you can format worksheet, cells, rows and columns using different options available in the formatting options in excel. This is very easy to follow through, just follow it step by step and you will understand everything.

  • Step 1 - Open the excel worksheet and click the row that you want to set its row height. Inside the Home tab, go to the Cells group and click on the Format option.
    This will display a dropdown list of options. Under the section Cell Size click on the Row Height option.
  • setting-row-height
  • Step 2 - A small dialog box will be displayed. Here you set the height of the rows in the worksheet by typing the value inside the Row Height input field. Then click the Ok button.
  • setting-row-height
  • Step 3 - Row Height set successfully.
  • setting-row-height
  • Autofit row height is when excel helps you to automatically resize the row height to accommodate the text length without manually resizing it using your mouse.
  • Step 1 - Open the excel worksheet, select the cells or row that you want to set to autofit row height.
    Now click the Home tab, go to the Cells group and click on the Format option.
    This will display a dropdown list of options. Under the section Cell Size click on the AutoFit Row Height option.
  • autofit-row-height
  • Step 2 - The height of the selected cells or rows in the worksheet will be set to autofit row height.
  • autofit-row-height
  • Step 1 - Open the excel worksheet and click or select the column(s) that you want to set its column width. Inside the Home tab, go to the Cells group and click on the Format option.
    This will display a dropdown list of options. Under the section Cell Size click on the Width option.
  • setting-column-width
  • Step 2 - A small dialog box will be displayed. Here you set the width of the columns in the worksheet by typing the value inside the Column Width input field. Then click the Ok button.
  • setting-column-width
  • Step 3 - Column width set successfully.
  • setting-column-width
  • Autofit column width is when excel helps you to automatically resize the column width to accommodate the text length without manually resizing it using your mouse.
  • Step 1 - Open the excel worksheet, select the cells or columns that you want to set to autofit column width.
    Now click the Home tab, go to the Cells group and click on the Format option.
    This will display a dropdown list of options. Under the section Cell Size click on the AutoFit Width option.
  • autofit-column-width
  • Step 2 - The width of the selected cells or columns in the worksheet will be set to autofit width.
  • autofit-column-width
  • Default width is used when you want all the width, in your excel worksheet to be the same.
  • Step 1 - Open the excel worksheet that you want to change the default width. Inside the Home tab, go to the Cells group and click on the Format option.
    This will display a dropdown list of options. Under the section Cell Size click on the Default Width option.
  • setting-default-width
  • Step 2 - A small dialog box will be displayed. Here you set the default width in the worksheet by typing the value inside the Standard Column Width input field. Then click the Ok button.
  • setting-default-width
  • Step 3 - Default width set successfully.
  • setting-default-width
  • Step 1 - Open the excel worksheet, select the rows or columns that you want to hide
    Now click the Home tab, go to the Cells group and click on the Format option.
    This will display a dropdown list of options. Under the section Visibility move you mouse over the option Hide & Unhide which will display further option. Now you can click on Hide Rows or Hide Columns to hide either rows or columns.
  • hide-rows-and-columns
  • Step 2 - The selected rows or columns will be hidden successfully.
  • hide-rows-and-columns
  • Step 1 - Open the excel worksheet, type in the name of the column or row address you want to unhide inside the name box and press enter on your keyboard to go to that location.
  • unhide-rows-and-columns
  • Step 2Click the Home tab, go to the Cells group and click on the Format option.
    This will display a dropdown list of options. Under the section Visibility move you mouse over the option Hide & Unhide which will display further option. Now you can click on Unhide Rows or Unhide Columns to hide either rows or columns.
  • unhide-rows-and-columns
  • Step 3 - The hidden rows or columns will now be visible.
  • unhide-rows-and-columns
  • Step 1 - Open the excel worksheet, that you want to hide. Click the Home tab, go to the Cells group and click on the Format option.
    This will display a dropdown list of options. Under the section Visibility move you mouse over the option Hide & Unhide which will display further option. Now you can click on Hide Sheet to hide that worksheet.
  • hide-worksheet
  • Step 2 - The worksheet will be hidden successfully.
  • Step 1 - Open the excel workbook that contains the hidden worksheet, that you want to unhide. Click the Home tab, go to the Cells group and click on the Format option.
    This will display a dropdown list of options. Under the section Visibility move you mouse over the option Hide & Unhide which will display further option. Now you can click on Unhide Sheet
  • unhide-worksheet
  • Step 2 - A dialog will display. In this dialog box, just click on the worksheet you want to unhide and click the Ok button.
  • unhide-worksheet
  • Step 3 - The worksheet will now be visible.
  • unhide-worksheet
  • Step 1 - Open the excel worksheet, that you want to rename. Click the Home tab, go to the Cells group and click on the Format option.
    This will display a dropdown list of options. Under the section Organize Sheets click on the Rename Sheet option.
  • rename-worksheet
  • Step 2 - The name of that sheet at the bottom before the status bar will now be editable. Now type in the new name you want.
  • rename-worksheet

An alternative way to rename a worksheet is by double clicking on the name of the sheet and edit it.

  • Step 1 - Open the excel worksheet, that you want to change the tab color. Click the Home tab, go to the Cells group and click on the Format option.
    This will display a dropdown list of options. Under the section Organize Sheets move your mouse pointer over the option Tab Color. This will display the color options. Click on any of your preferred color and it will be applied to the tab.
  • worksheet-tab-color
  • Step 2 - DONE!
  • worksheet-tab-color
  • Step 1 - Open the excel worksheet, that you want to protect. Click the Home tab, go to the Cells group and click on the Format option.
    This will display a dropdown list of options. Under the section Protection click on Protect Sheet option.
  • protect-worksheet
  • Step 2 - A dialog will be displayed. In the dialog box, type in the password that you want to use to protect the worksheet. (This password will be required to unprotect the worksheet when you want make any changes in it again)
    Make sure you mark the checkbox beside Protect worksheet and contents of locked cells. You can also enable different options for users by marking any of the checkboxes option you want which is good for you.
    After you are done, click the OK button.
  • protect-worksheet
  • Step 3 - Another small dialog box will be displayed for you to confirm your worksheet password. Just as stated in the description in the dialog box, if you forget the password you won't be able to recover it back so be very careful when doing this.
  • protect-worksheet
  • Step 4 - After clicking OK button, your worksheet is now protected.
  • Step 5 - Anytime you or someone else wants to edit the worksheet, excel will display a dialog box telling you that for you to edit the worksheet you will have unprotect the worksheet.
  • protect-worksheet
  • Step 1 - Open the excel protected worksheet, that you want to unprotect. Click the Home tab, go to the Cells group and click on the Format option.
    This will display a dropdown list of options. Under the section Protection click on Unprotect Sheet option.
  • protect-worksheet
  • Step 2 - A small dialog will be displayed. Inside the dialog box, type in the password for that worksheet and click the OK button.
  • protect-worksheet
  • Step 3 - Worksheet is now unprotected and you can now edit the worksheet.
  • Locking cell has to do with preventing user from making changes to a particular cell.
  • Step 1 - Open the excel worksheet, select the cell(s) that you want to lock. Click the Home tab, go to the Cells group and click on the Format option.
    This will display a dropdown list of options. Under the section Protection click on Lock Cell option.
  • lock-cells
  • Step 2 - The selected cell(s) is now locked successfully.

For the lock cell feature to work the worksheet has to be protected.