Find and Replace
This involves the process of looking for a word in your worksheet.
- Step 1 - Open the worksheet that you want to search for a particular word from. (In my own case I have list of names, with their gender, complexion and height. But you can use your own worksheet data for this practice)
- Step 2 - On the Home tab, go to the Editing group and click on the Find and Select command option. A dropdown list will display, click on the Find option.
OR to move faster, just press Ctrl + F. - Step 3 - A dialog box will be displayed. Inside the dialog box, type in the word that you want to look for in the Find What input field. (In my own case I want to find the word tall in the worksheet, but you can type in word you wan to find there in your own worksheet)
- Step 4 - Click on the Find All button. This will display result of list of all the places in your workbook that word is located. You can click on the listed place on excel will take you to that place in your worksheet inside your workbook
- Step 5 - Once you are done, click on the Close button to close the dialog box.

There are four buttons afterwards which are the Options, Find All, Find Next and Close.

To narrow down your search and specify where to search from, you can click on the Options button which will display other search filter options for you enable. Here you can set which where to search from (workbook or worksheet), whether to search by rows or columns, where to look in (formulas, values, comments) and also set whether to match case or match entire cell contents while looking for the word.

Clicking on the Find Next button takes you the place where the word occurs in your workbook. And if you click it again, it takes you to the next occurrence of that word in your workbook.

This involves the process removing a word inside the worksheet and replacing it with another word.
- Step 1 - Open the worksheet that you want to search for a particular word from.
- Step 2 - On the Home tab, go to the Editing group and click on the Find and Select command option. A dropdown list will display, click on the Replace option.
OR to move faster, just press Ctrl + H. - Step 3 - A dialog box will be displayed. type in the word that you want to find inside the Find what input field, and type in the word that you want to replace it with in the Replace input field.
- Step 4 - You have another three major buttons to focus on here that you can use.
Replace - This will replace only one occurrence of the selected found word in the worksheet
Replace All - This will replace all the occurrence of the word in the worksheet.
Find Next - This will take you to the next occurrence of the found word in the worksheet.
- Step 5 -After you have replaced the word using either Replace All or Replace button, the word will be successfully replaced and a dialog box will displayed showing you the details regarding the replacement you made.
- Step 6 - Click Ok of the dialog box, then in the find and replace dialog box, click on the Close button to close the dialog box. DONE!

To narrow down your search and specify where to search from, you can click on the Options button which will display other search filter options for you enable. Here you can set which where to search from (workbook or worksheet), whether to search by rows or columns, where to look in (formulas, values, comments) and also set whether to match case or match entire cell contents while looking for the word.