Excel - How To Add and Remove Hyperlinks

How To Add and Remove Hyperlinks


Hyperlink is a text or image in a document that can connect the reader to another section in the document or another a webpage online when it is clicked.

If you already have knowledge in adding and removing hyperlinks in Ms-word it will be very easy for you to do this in excel. But if you didn't take my Ms-word tutorial, you can still follow the clear and easy steps below.
In this tutorial I will be showing you how to add the five types of hyperlinks.

  • Step 1 - For this tutorial I will be using the data in the image below. You should create similar data and follow up with this tutorial.
  • hyperlinks
  • Step 2 - Now let's start with the first one which creating a hyperlink that links to an existing file.
    Select the cell that contains the text that you want to link. Click the Insert then go to the Links group and click on the Link option.
  • hyperlinks
  • Step 2 (alternative) - Right click on the cell that contains the text you want to link. From the list of options displayed click on the Link option.
  • hyperlinks
  • Step 3 - The insert link dialog box will be opened. At the left side column, the under the heading Link to are list of where to link the text in the selected cell to. By default, the Existing File or Web Page option already selected.
    You and change the text link, by editing the Text to display input field. Lastly, click on the folder icon to browse the file that you want to link to, which is located at the far-right side beside the Look in heading at shown in the image below.
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  • Step 4 - Excel will open your file explorer, go to the location of the existing file, select it and click the OK button.
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  • Step 5 - The file address of the selected file will now be inserted into the Address input field of the Insert Hyperlink dialog box in the Existing File and Webpage section.
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  • Step 6 - To add text that will display when you place your mouse point on the hyperlink text, click the ScreenTip button at the top right of the dialog box. The Set Hyperlink ScreenTip dialog box will be displayed. Add the screentip text in the ScreenTip Text input field.
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  • Step 7 - After typing the screentip text that you want to use, click the OK button to save and take you back to the previous dialog box.
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  • Step 8 - And finally, click the OK again here.
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  • Step 9 - The link has been successfully added to the text.
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    Anytime you add a link to a text, the text formatting changes. (Underlining added, and color changed). Also, when a link is clicked the color of the text also changes by default.

  • Step 10 - Place your mouse point on the link. The mouse pointer icon will be change to a hand icon. Also, the screentip text you added will be displayed as shown in the image below.
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  • Step 11 - If you click on the link, Excel will display a security notice telling you that you should only click links from trusted sources. Click on the YES button in the dialog box to continue and open the link.
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  • Step 12 - The file linked to the text in the cell you clicked will be successfully opened on a different excel window.
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  • Step 13 - Now if you go back to the link in the worksheet, you will notice that the text color has changed. This is to show that the link has been clicked.
  • hyperlinks
  • Step 1 - Now let's create a hyperlink which when clicked opens a web page on the internet.
  • hyperlinks
  • Step 2 - Click on the cell that contains the text that you want to link. Click the Insert then go to the Links group and click on the Link option.
  • hyperlinks
  • Step 3 - The insert link dialog box will be opened. At the left side column, the under the heading Link to are list of where to link the text in the selected cell to. By default, the Existing File or Web Page option already selected.
    You and change the text link, by editing the Text to display input field.
    In the Address input field, enter the web page address (In my own case I am https://google.com). Then click the OK button to save and return to your worksheet.
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  • Step 4 - The link has been successfully added to the text.
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  • Step 5 - Now, if you click on the link, this will google on your default web browser application.
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  • Step 6 - Then if you go back to the link in the worksheet, you will notice that the text color has changed. This is to show that the link has been clicked
  • hyperlinks
  • Step 1 - Now let's create a hyperlink which when clicked takes you to a place in the same document.
  • hyperlinks

    For this tutorial, create a new sheet if you have only one sheet in the workbook. In the new sheet type in any regular text, you like. Then go back to the sheet 1.

  • Step 2 - Click on the cell that contains the text that you want to link. Click the Insert then go to the Links group and click on the Link option.
  • hyperlinks
  • Step 3 - The insert link dialog box will be opened. At the left side column, the under the heading Link to are list of where to link the text in the selected cell to. Click the Place in this Document option. Now, select the place in the document you want to link to. In my own case, I'm selecting Sheet2. Then click on the OK button save and go back to your worksheet.
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  • Step 4 - The link has been successfully added to the text.
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  • Step 5 - Clicking on the link will take you immediately to Sheet2 in this same document.
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  • Step 6 - Then if you go back to the link in the worksheet, you will notice that the text color has changed. This is to show that the link has been clicked
  • hyperlinks
  • Step 1 - Now let's create a hyperlink which when clicked takes you to a place in the same worksheet. Type in the data in the image below.
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  • Step 2 - Click on the cell that contains the text that you want to link. Click the Insert then go to the Links group and click on the Link option.
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  • Step 3 - The insert link dialog box will be opened. At the left side column, the under the heading Link to are list of where to link the text in the selected cell to. Click the Place in this Document option. Now, type in the cell reference (cell address) you want to move to when your hyperlink is clicked. Then click on the OK button to save and return back to the worksheet.
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  • Step 4 - The link has been successfully added to the text.
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  • Step 5 - Clicking on the link will take you immediately to cell C7 in that worksheet.
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  • Step 1 - Now lets create a hyperlink which when clicked creates a new document for you.
  • hyperlinks
  • Step 2 - Click on the cell that contains the text that you want to use as a link to create new document. Click the Insert then go to the Links group and click on the Link option.
  • hyperlinks
  • Step 3 - The insert link dialog box will be opened. At the left side column, the under the heading Link to are list of where to link the text in the selected cell to. Click the Create New Document option. Type in the new document name and also choose an option on when to edit the document. Then click on the OK button save and go back to your worksheet.
  • hyperlinks
  • Step 4 - The link has been successfully added to the text
    Now if you click on the link, it automatically creates a new document with the document name you gave it. And if the open you selected on choosing when to edit is Edit the new document now, a new document will be created immediately without you even clicking on the link.
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  • Step 5 - But you option is otherwise, if you click on the link, Excel will display a security notice telling you that you should only click links from trusted sources. Click on the YES button in the dialog box to continue. And a new document will be created.
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  • Step 6 - Then if you go back to the link in the worksheet, you will notice that the text color has changed. This is to show that the link has been clicked
  • hyperlinks
  • Step 1 - Now let's create a hyperlink which when clicked opens your email application to send and email to the address embedded in the hyperlink.
  • hyperlinks
  • Step 2 - Click on the cell that contains the text that you want to link to an email. Click the Insert then go to the Links group and click on the Link option.
  • hyperlinks
  • Step 3 - The insert link dialog box will be opened. At the left side column, the under the heading Link to are list of where to link the text in the selected cell to. Click on the Email-Address option. Then type in the email address and subject in their respective input field. But you can also click on recently used email and address on the recently used email addresses list.
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  • Step 4 - Click the OK button save and go back to the worksheet.
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  • Step 5 - Now, if you click on the link, it will open your email with the email address and subject already filled, and awaiting message to be typed and sent.
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  • Step 6 - Then if you go back to the link in the worksheet, you will notice that the text color has changed. This is to show that the link has been clicked
  • hyperlinks
  • Step 1 - Right click on the cell of the hyperlink you want to edit (In our case, we are editing the hyperlink to create new document). From the list of options displayed, click on Edit Hyperlink.
  • edit-hyperlink
  • Step 2 - This will open the edit hyperlink dialog box.
  • edit-hyperlink
  • Step 3 - Now let's change the name of the new document to be created to NEW HYPERLINK DOCUMENT and also change the option of when to edit to document to be later. Then click the OK button to save and go back to the worksheet.
  • edit-hyperlink
  • Step 4 - Hyperlink has been edited successfully, notice the color now changes back to the default color as when it was never clicked.
  • edit-hyperlink
  • Step 5 - Now, if you click on the link, Excel will display a security notice telling you that you should only click links from trusted sources. Click on the YES button in the dialog box to continue.
  • edit-hyperlink
  • Step 6 - New document has now been created with the new name (NEW HYPERLINK DOCUMENT) that was edited.
  • edit-hyperlink
  • Step 7 - Then if you go back to the link in the worksheet, you will notice that the text color has changed. This is to show that the link has been clicked
  • edit-hyperlink
  • Step 1 - Right click on the cell of the hyperlink you want to edit (In our case, we want to remove the hyperlink from Place in the Document). From the list of options displayed, click on Delete Hyperlink.
  • delete-hyperlink
  • Step 2 - The hyperlink will be successfully removed.
  • delete-hyperlink
  • ALTERNATIVE - Hyperlink can also be removed from the Edit Hyperlink dialog box by click on the button Remove Link.
  • delete-hyperlink