Using Formula In Excel

Using Formula In Excel

Using formula in Excel is one of those things that you will always do in order to perform mathematical calculations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division etc. In the previous tutorials, I have already showed you how to do some calculations in excel.


Formula always starts with an Equal to sign =. And formula you type will always show in the formula bar.

  • Addition
  • This involves adding two or more number together. Click the cell you want the result to be displayed, then type in Equal to sign and the cell addresses separating it with the Plus sign ( + ). Then press Enter key on your keyboard and the result will be displayed.
  • using-formula using-formula
  • Subtraction
  • This involves subtracting one number from another number. Click the cell you want the result to be displayed, then type in Equal to sign and the cell addresses separating it with the Minus sign ( - ). Then press Enter key on your keyboard and the result will be displayed.
  • using-formula using-formula
  • Multiplication
  • This involves multiplying number(s) by another number(s). Click the cell you want the result to be displayed, then type in Equal to sign and the cell addresses separating it with the Multiplication sign ( * ). Then press Enter key on your keyboard and the result will be displayed.
  • using-formula using-formula
  • Division
  • This involves dividing one number by another number. Click the cell you want the result to be displayed, then type in Equal to sign and the cell addresses separating it with the Division sign ( / ). Then press Enter key on your keyboard and the result will be displayed.
  • using-formula using-formula
  • Remainder
  • This involves get the remainder in division calculation. Click the cell you want the result to be displayed. Type in the Equal to sign, type in the MOD function, type in opening parenthesis (, type in the cell address of the dividend and the cell address of the divisor separating them with a comma. Lastly type in the closing parenthesis ) and press Enter key on your keyboard and the result will be displayed.
  • using-formula using-formula