
Ribbons in excel are group of related user interface commands, sectioned into tabs which are used for worksheet editing, organization of data, formatting, to perform calculations and lots more.
In Excel, ribbons are necessary in other to make quick editing, calculations, formatting and data organization. Below are the several ribbons and the grouped commands they contain.
The home tab is made up of seven (7) groups of related commands which are: Clipboard, Font, Alignment, Number, Styles, Cells and Editing

- CLIPBOARD - The clipbaord contains the copy, paste, cut and format painter commands.
- FONT - This group contains related commands which you can use to style and format your text font.
In the first line of commands you have the font and font size selection box menu, Increasing and Decreasing of font size, Changing font cases and Clearing formatting.
In the second line you have commands for Bold, Italics, Underline, Border, Fill Color and Font color. - ALIGNMENT - This group contains commands which used for text alignment in cells, orientation (direction of how the text is positioned in cells), text indentation, wrapping and merging of text.
- NUMBER - In this group of commands, there options which are used to set number formats, accounting number format, percentage and comma styles. There is also commands for increasing and decreasing decimal places in numbers.
- STYLES - This group contains three major commands which are used select built in styles to apply to cells, tables and other objects (charts, icon etc). Using built-in styles help to make workflow faster and easy to do.
- CELLS - In the cells grouped commands, there is also three major commands. The insert command opens other options for inserting cells, rows, columns and sheets. The delete command also opens other options for deleting cells, rows, columns and sheets. Lastly the format command is used for different kinds of formatting ranging from cell size, visibility, organization sheets and protection.
- EDITTING - Of course from the name editing, this group of commands contains related commands for editing. You can use the math commands such as AutoSum, Average etc. There is also the fill, clear, sort, filter, find and select commands.

The description or what each command does is shown when you place your mouse pointer over the command or option. (i.e. when you hover over them)

This is just a general introduction to all the grouped commands and what they are used for. Don't be in hurry to know how to start using them right now, for I will be teaching you that very soon. Just take everything slowly step by step and you will get everything right.
The Insert tab is made up of ten (10) group of related commands. As the name implies it is used to insert various elements such as Tables, Charts, Pictures, Screenshots, and lots more.

- TABLES - This group contains related commands which you can used to insert different kinds of tables to your excel worksheet.
- ILLUSTRATIONS - In Excel, Illustration has one option inside the insert menu tab, which when clicked on, opens other options.
- This group contains different options which is used to insert pictures, shapes, icons, 3D Models, SmartArt and Screenshots into your excel worksheet.
- ADD INS - The add-ins group contains commands that are used to insert additional program which adds other functionality to your excel workbook.
- CHARTS - In the chart group there are different commands which are use to insert different types of charts. Here you can used the options to insert pie chart, line chart, chart maps, statistics charts, pivot charts and lots more. There is also a command for inserting recommended charts from excel.
- TOURS - The tour group contain only one option which opens other options for opening 3D maps.
- SPARKLINES - Sparklines are tiny charts in a worksheet cell. The sparkline group contains three options which are the line, column and win/loss used for adding various sparkline to your worksheet.
- FILTERS - In the filters group there are two options which are used to filter data visually - Slicer, and also filter dates interactively - Timeline.
- LINKS - This group has only one command which is used to add hyperlinks to worksheet data.
- TEXT - In Excel, Text has one option inside the insert menu tab, which when clicked on, opens other options.
- This group contains different options which is used to insert text box, header and footer, signature line, wordart and objects.
- SYMBOLS - In Excel, the symbols group has one option inside the insert menu tab, which when clicked on, opens other options.
- This group contains two command options for adding equations and symbols.

Page Layout
In Excel, page layout tab is made up of five (5) set of related grouped commands which are used to set how the worksheet is arranged or laid in your workbook before printing.

- THEMES - This group contains command options for changing the theme, color, font type, and effects of the entire excel workbook.
- PAGE SETUP - The page setup group of commands contains options for setting the margin, orientation, size, print area, background, page breaks and print titles.
- SCALE TO FIT - Here in this group, you can set the height, width and scale of the page using their various commands.
- SHEET OPTIONS - In this group there are two sub groups which are: Gridlines and Headings. Here you can enable view and print options for either gridlines, headings or both of them.
- ARRANGE - This group contains commands used for the arrangement of selected objects, group objects or opened panes

In the formulas tab, there are various group of related commands which are used to add various functions, perform calculations, formula auditing and also add defined names to the worksheet.

- FUNCTION LIBRARY - This is the first group of commands in the formulas tab which contains numerous functions which can be used for various mathematical operations in excel. All of these command options have sub-options. They include the AutoSum, Financial, Logic, Text, Date and Time, Lookup and Reference, Math and Trig.
There is also an option for More Functions which displays list of other functions that in turn displays their own individual sub-list of functions. - DEFINED NAMES - In this group, there are different commands which are used to define names used in your excel worksheet. These defined names can be used in formulas for subtitles for cell references and lots more.
- FORMULA AUDITING - This group contains commands which are used to display and check the relationship between formulas and cells. In this group, we have the trace precedents, dependents, remove arrows, show formulas, error checking, evaluate formula and watch window.
- CALCULATIONS - Just as the name implies, the calculation group contains command options which is used for calculations.

The data tab contains related commands which are used for data transformation, queries and connection, sorting and filtering of data in rows and columns. Here there are also data tools, options which can be used for forecasting and outlining in worksheet.

- GET AND TRANSFORM DATA - This group contains commands which are used to get data from different sources and transform them into another form. Here there are command for getting data from CSV file, from the web and even from other online databases.
- QUERIES AND CONNECTIONS - The queries and connection group of commands contains different options for managing different connections and queries in your workbook. There are also commands to edit links and view properties.
- SORT AND FILTER - In this group, there are commands that are used to sort and filter data in columns and rows. There are also commands to reapply and clear filter operations.
- DATA TOOLS - In this group there is commands for placing text into multiple columns, flash fill, removing duplicates, data validation, consolidation, creating relationships between tables and management of data model.
- FORECAST - This group contains commands for prediction of data trends and other forecasting analysis you can do using excel worksheet.
- OUTLINE - Outline group of commands contains options for grouping, ungrouping and making subtotals of rows of data that are related in your worksheet.

This group contains related commands that are used to review your workbook before moving forward to either print it out and present it as a finished workbook.

- PROOFING - In this proofing group there are three different commands which are used to for spellings, thesaurus and workbook statistics.
- ACCESSIBILITY - This group has only one command and other sub options which is used to check for issues in your workbook that makes it difficult for people with disabilities to read your worksheet.
- INSIGHT - This group has one command option (Smart Lookup) which is use to search for definitions, images and other results from the internet.
- LANGUAGE - This group has only one command option which is used for translating your worksheet written in one language to another using Microsoft Service Translator online.
- COMMENTS - In the comments group there are different commands for adding comments and other related comments operations.
- PROTECT - This group has commands which are used for protecting worksheet, workbook, allow and restrict workbook editing capabilities for users.
- INK - This group has only one command and other sub options which is used to hide and delete ink.

In the view tab ribbon, there are various related commands for workbook views, zooming, windows arrangement, recording commands to macros for easy use etc.

- WORKBOOK VIEWS - The workbook views group of commands contains commands which is used to change how the workbook is being viewed. It has the Normal, Print Break Preview, Page layout and Custom Views.
- SHOW - This group has four selections to enable by clicking on the checkbox.
- ZOOM - Zooming group has commands which are used to change your zoom options in a worksheet.
- WINDOWS - The windows group has commands for creating new windows, arranging windows, freezing panes, spliting and hiding windows. You can also used other commands there to view your windows side by side, set synchronous scrolling, reset windows position and switch between windows.
- MACROS - The macros group has only one command and other sub options which is used to create macros in Excel.

The help tab has only two group of related commands which are the help and community group.

- HELP - In this group there are command options to help, contact support, give feedback, and also show online training from Microsoft.
- COMMUNITY - The community group contains options for getting into excel community (group of experts that developed excel program), excel blog online and also suggest features to add to excel.

Power pivot tab contains group of commands that is used for data modelling, calculations and other data analysis, calculations, relationship and settings.

- DATA MODEL - The data model group has only command which is used to manage data in workbook
- CALCULATIONS - In the calculation group there are two commands which are used for Measures and KPIs (Key Performance Indicators).
- TABLES - In this group, there is only one command which is used to add tables from a worksheet to a data model.
- RELATIONSHIPS - The relationships group also has only one command which is used to detect and create relationship between different tables that are being used on a pivot table.
- SETTINGS - In the settings group there is only one command which is used to open up settings dialog page in the excel workbook.

Don't be too anxious to know everything at this particular stage in this tutorial, once you start using these commands you will naturally get used to them and how they work. Just continue to follow up with the tutorial step by step and before you know it you will be PRO in Excel.

There are other menu tab ribbons that are not naturally seen when you open your Excel Worksheet. These ribbons display when you want to use certain commands. One of them is the Equation menu tab which is seen below.
This tab contains group of related commands and options that is majorly used for mathematical equations.

- TOOLS - The tools group contains two commands that is used of insert in-built equations and other ink equations that you wrote. There are also different related commands for converting to different equations (Linear, Professional and Normal Text)
- SYMBOLS - This group has different symbols which you can insert when writing equations.
- STRUCTURES - Here we different mathematical equations which you can insert by clicking on the formula structure which displays various options for you to pick from and use.