Prerequisite Introduction to Microsoft Excel Getting Started MS Excel Environment Title Bar Quick Access Toolbar Search Account Name Buttons Menu Tab Ribbons Dialog Box Launcher Name Box Insert Function Formula Bar Worksheet Area Worksheet Navigation Creating New Sheet Status Bar Worksheet View Format Zoom Slider MS Excel File Tab Entering Data Saving Your Workbook Opening Saved Workbook Copy, Delete and Hiding Sheet Closing Entire WorkbookMODULE TWO
Cells, Rows and Columns Resizing Rows and Columns Inserting Data Select, Delete and Move Data Copy, Paste and Cut Find and Replace Checking Spellings Inserting TextBox Inserting Symbols Inserting Special Characters Zooming Undoing and Redoing ChangesMODULE THREE
Mini Toolbar Setting Fonts Text Decoration Setting Text Case Text Alignments Text Orientation Increase and Decrease Indentation Wraping Text Merging Cells Cells Borders Cells Shades Copy Formatting Insert and Delete Worksheet Format Worksheet, Cells, Rows and ColumnsMODULE FOUR
Insert Tables Insert Pictures Insert Shapes and Smart Art Insert Screenshots Insert Icons Insert 3D-Models Using Add-ins Insert Charts 3D Maps Creating Sparklines Insert WordArtMODULE FIVE
Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division Using Formulas Using Functions Quick FunctionsMODULE SIX
Fill Handling Sorting Filtering References (Relative and Absolute) Conditional Formatting Applying StylesMODULE SEVEN
Page Themes Page Colors Page Fonts Page Effects Page Header and Footer Page Numbering Page Margins Page Orientation and Size Print Area Page Breaks Setting Background Print Titles Preview and Print Share Workbook Freezing Panes Range Data Validation Excel Templates MS Excel Shortcuts ConclusionHOW TO
Excel How-To Send Email Separate Text Date and Time Format Macro Thesaurus Insert Comments Password Workbook Count Characters Count Words Add and Remove Hyperlinks Insert PDF in Excel Editing and Formatting Restrictions How to Compare Columns How to Compare Worksheets Add Signature in Worksheet Calculate Age Calculate Mean Calculate Median Calculate Standard Deviation Find the Mode Add and Remove Commas How to Remove Filter Convert Excel to CSV Excel to PDF Excel to Ms-Word Document Excel to Picture Formats Duplicate Rows and Columns Hide and Unhide Rows and Columns Rows and Columns Conversion How to Remove Gridlines Create Graphs Insert Check Box Add and Remove Watermark Logical Operators Logical Functions Text Functions Square Symbol Pi Symbol Selecting Different Columns Creating QR Code Creating Bar Code Insert Bullet Points Generate Random Numbers Combine Two Columns Wrap Text Create Dropdown List
Menu Tab
The menu tab is the next horizontal set of options just below the title bar.
The Menu tab contains the File Tab and other menu tabs which has their own grouped ribbons. They include: Home, Insert, Page Layout, Formulas, Data, Review, View, Help and Power Pivot
At the far-right side, you have the Share button which when clicked on, is used to share your document when your computer is connected to the internet or has data connection.