Excel - How To Convert Excel To CSV

How To Convert Excel To CSV

In this tutorial I am going to be showing you step by step on how you can convert an excel worksheet file to a csv file. CSV file stands for Comma Separated Values file. This type of file format is used for various individual and organizational purposes.

  • Step 1 - Go to where the excel file you want to covert to csv file is located on your computer system. Click on it and from the options displayed click on Open to open the worksheet
  • csv
  • Step 2 - Now, in the image below this is the file I will be converting to csv file. You can get any csv file follow up with this tutorial. But if you don't have any, just continue and see how it is done.
  • csv
  • Step 3 - Now click on the File tab, which will open the home window. Click on Save As option from the first column option. Then in the second column, click the Browse button.
  • csv
  • Step 4 - Excel will open your file explorer save as section. Now click on the Save as type selection box.
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  • Step 5 - A list of different file option types will be displayed. Note that there are three CSV file type in the list of options. Just click on the first one from the top. CSV - UTF-8 (Comma delimited) (*.csv)
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  • Step 6 - The file format in the Save as Type selection field will be changed. Now click on the Save button to successfully save the file as CSV.
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  • Step 7 - You will tile notice just below the ribbon, giving you a quick prompt of possible data loss. Just click on the close icon as shown in the image below.
  • csv
  • Step 8 - Notice that the file name in the title bar no longer carries the extension name of the normal excel file, but its now .csv
  • csv
  • Step 9 - Now if you go to your computer system where both files are saved, you will clearly see the difference between a csv file and a normal excel file worksheet thumbnail as shown in the image below.
  • csv

Alright, so now we have known how to convert excel file to csv file. What if we want to convert the csv file back to excel normal file format, how do we do this?

  • Step 1 - Go to where the excel file you want to covert from csv to excel file is located on your computer system. Select the file. Right click on the file and from the list of options displayed go to Open With option. From the sub-list of options displayed, click on the Excel.
  • csv
  • Step 2 - Now your csv file will be opened in Excel as shown in the image below.
  • csv
  • Step 3 - Now click on the File tab, which will open the home window. Click on Save As option from the first column option. Then in the second column, click the Browse button.
  • csv
  • Step 4 - Excel will open your file explorer save as section. Now click on the Save as type selection box where the file format name is shown.
  • csv
  • Step 5 - A list of different file option types will be displayed. Click on the first option which is Excel Workbook (*.xlsx)
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  • Step 6 - The file format in the Save as Type selection field will be changed. Now click on the Save button to successfully save the file in normal excel format.
  • csv
  • Step 7 - After saving, now if you look at the file name in the title bar, it now changes to the normal excel format.
  • csv
  • Step 8 - Go to your computer system where both files are saved, you will clearly see the difference between a normal Excel file and a csv file thumbnail as shown in the image below.
  • csv