Excel - Date and Time Format

Date and Time Format

In this tutorial, I will be showing you how to insert current date and time, change date formats to your preferred one and also get hours, time and seconds from the current time inserted.

  • DATE
  • TODAY() - This function is used to insert the current date inside the selected cell. Type =TODAY() and press Enter key on your keyboard and the current date will be inserted.
  • date
  • KEYBOARD SHORTCUT - Click on the cell you want to insert the date, then press Ctrl + ; on your keyboard, and the current date will be inserted.

=TODAY() is the same as =today() Whether you are use small letter or capital letter it will still give the same output.

  • Step 1 - Click on the new cell that you want to insert the new date format.
  • date
  • Step 2 - Type in: [ =TEXT(Cell location of the date, ] That is =TEXT(A1, or after typing =TEXT(, simply click on the cell location of the date and the cell name will be added.
  • date
  • Step 3 - Inside an apostrophe ("") type the date format that you prefer and press the Enter key on your keyboard.
  • date
  • Step 4 - The new date format will be inserted.
  • date

In formatting date, there are different types of formats you can use for days of the week, month of year and year. Before moving forward, take a few minutes to try out these formats in changing your date format.

  • Days of the Week
  • d - day number that will not start will zero (0). For example: 7
  • dd - day number that starts with zero (0). For example: 07
  • ddd - day of the week abbreviated. For example: Mon.
  • dddd - day of the week not abbreviated. For example: Monday

  • Months of the Year
  • m - month number that will not start will zero (0). For example: 9
  • mm - month number that starts with zero (0). For example: 09
  • mmm - month of the year abbreviated. For example: Sept.
  • mmmm - month of the year not abbreviated. For example: September

  • Year
  • y - year with only the last two numbers. For example: 22
  • yy - year with four numbers. For example: 2022


DATE() is also another function which is used to enter specific date int. This function takes three input, the year, month and day.

  • TIME
  • TIME() - This function is used to insert the specific time inside the selected cell. The TIME() takes three values, the hour, minutes and seconds. The values to be enter in hours should be between 1 - 24, minutes between 1 - 60 and seconds between 1 - 60 also.
    For example =TIME(23,60,59) will give you 12:00AM after pressing Enter on your keyboard.
  • date date
  • KEYBOARD SHORTCUT - Click on the cell you want to insert the date, then press Ctrl + Shift + ; on your keyboard, and the current time will be inserted.

  • HOUR() - This function is used to get the hour from the time displayed. It takes only one input, that is the cell location of the time.
  • Step 1 - Type in HOUR( in the cell you want to extract the hour to.
  • date
  • Step 2 - Click the cell OR type in the cell's location that contains the time your want to extract its hour from. Then close the parenthesis and press the Enter key on your keyboard.
  • date date
  • Step 3 - Hour extracted from the time successfully.
  • date
  • MINUTE() - This function is used to get the minute from the time displayed. It takes only one input also, that is the cell location of the time. Follow the similar steps I used in the hour above to do this.
  • SECOND() - This function is used to get the second from the time displayed. It takes only one input also, that is the cell location of the time. Follow the similar steps I used in the hour above to do this. Note that if the time format do not have seconds, it will return 0.

  • NOW() - This function is used to insert the current date and time in the selected cell. Type =NOW() and press Enter key on your keyboard and the current date and time will be inserted.
  • date date

There is another alternative you can use to change the date and time format, this I will showing you quickly in the next few steps

  • Step 1 - Enter the date in the excel worksheet. In the Home go to the Number group and click on the input field dropdown arrow icon. From the options displayed, you will see Short Date and Long Date, click on the Long Date format.
  • date
  • Step 2 - Date format will be successfully changed to Long Date format.
  • date
  • Step 1 - In the Home go to the Number group and click on the input field dropdown arrow icon. From the options displayed, at the bottom click on the More Number Formats
  • date
  • Step 2 - The Format cell dialog box will display with the number tab active and the number option selected. Here you can now select the type of date format you want below the Type heading. Then click on the OK button.
  • date
  • Step 3 - Date format changed successfully.
  • date

  • Step 1 - In the Home go to the Number group and click on the input field dropdown arrow icon. From the options displayed, at the bottom click on the More Number Formats
  • time
  • Step 2 - The Format cell dialog box will display with the number tab active and the time option selected. Here you can now select the type of time format you want below the Type heading. Then click on the OK button.
  • time
  • Step 3 - Time format changed successfully.
  • time